Gen, what’s your Gab address?
Nice to hear from you Genesis.
Parler Verification Badges Explained
Search domain
Real Users are verified unique people in the Parler network. This does not mean the user is who they claim to be, just that they are Real Users. *Real User verification can be obtained by opening the navigation drawer (top left 3 bars icon) and then selecting 'User Verification' from the menu
Is Parler and Twitter verification the same thing?
Doesn’t this mean Parler is about not being a bot?
I had VPN for a while.
Didn’t renew in October.
They all know who we are and I don’t do or say anything that would get me in trouble with the fascists.
Mostly a couple of dollars a month.
It lets you show as a different IP address each time you post.
Worth it if that will keep you viable after a suspension or whatever.
I was using NordVPN as recommended on 8chan way back.
Not recommending, just informing.
BO and BF would have good advice on best VPN vendors.
Good to hear from you.
Sorry that legal shit is still dragging you down.
COVID here has turned around.
Except for masks inside public places, it’s pretty much back to normal.
We have accepted international arrivals who have gone in to quarantine and I believe the army is in charge this time.
We have been warned that COVID will definitely return.
I believe them.
There will be another media sanctioned shut down to kill off whatever businesses have managed to survive, instil fake fear into the masses and deprive children of their carefree childhoods.
And they revel in the power.
Stay strong.
Hopefully catch you on Twitter again.
You must have been a very bad Genesis.
Merry Christmas Gen.
And now BF too.
I got a white page of nothing from that link.
So clt, where do we go from here?
(Still nothing from that link.)
Our mandate was to take those media fuckers down.
We need to think strategy rather than firing memes off at anything and everything.
How do we break them?
Do we take the fight to their platforms?
To their social media?
Do we need a brand?
A slogan?
What’s our marketing plan?
Do we recruit a team, similar to clt but bigger and skilled in specifics?
We need a level headed gerbil, one who gets it and WILL NOT STOP.
He was damn good at that.
See where I’m going?
We need resources.
We need clever media attacking memes.
Forget the rest.
Let others do that.
Answer their current lie via text and meme and even video?
Post our media on boards like QR, VOAT, Reddit etc?
Not clt.
Or maybe no brand?
We should be disassociated from the brand so we can operate without outside interference and blowback from QR.
Is our approach: Radical, approachable, reasonable, sensible etc or combinations of approaches?
Should there be multiple approaches using different brands so when one goes down, we have others and rebrand the dead one?
This is not my forte. All above is garnered by 40 years as designer but I don’t KNOW about marketing. We need a marketer. Or do we need a marketer? I don’t know.
How do we recruit?
We’ve been here before so we have some experience.
We have to stay away from QR to recruit or rather recruit from a different place… refer back to ‘disassociate ourselves’.
Smart, sassy, targeted, quick, clear, noticeable, humorous. ?? Maybe we ransack meme depositories and rebrand/redesign the good ones?
Work it all out, plan it in advance so we know our approach and have a stable of templates and responses ready including our own store of photos sorted in Gens Raw thread and constant updates with new images from MSM.
Sure, use the issues at hand but ALWAYS with the media as the target.
Forget the rest.
The media is worldwide.
Social media is fine but local media companies are just that… local.
It can’t just be the US.
Is it targeted at main outlets in each country selected or each of the 6 in each country? Maybe that’s where marketing comes in.
How do we do that?
From where to where?
Do we have a website that recruits and looks like THE website where we vet for infiltration but have a second one where we work from and clt stays clear of all recruits?
I have a hosting package with HG. BF will know who I mean. Happy to whack websites on there. I don’t know what that means to my security, my other websites should the shit hit the fan. I need to know my risks in advance.
Also, who is HG?
Are they deep state?
How do we find out?
Look what they did to Watkins.
I’ve got no chance.
Babe in the woods.
Domain name (or two) would be needed if we go down this path. Minimal outlay which I can cover.
So… those are my thoughts.
Probably crazy.
Still white page on CloutHub.
Thanks Chaplain.
I hear you.
You are doing great stuff.
Informing normies is one thing, getting through to them is the big hurdle and breaking their complacency even harder.
Do you know what this stuff about possible deplatforming is and why Tor is an alternative?
You tell that spouse of yours to toe the line with diet.
I had a similar scare last year which turned out to be wrong but you’ve never seen anyone go ‘clean food’ so fast.
Hope other legal and tobacco stuff is working out.
Always thinking of you.
Be proud that you were notorious enough to be one of the early Twitter purges.
Water cannons & mounted officers: Unauthorized anti-lockdown rally in Amsterdam invokes strong police response
Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters took to the streets of Amsterdam, decrying restrictive measures against the coronavirus. The unauthorized gathering was met with a strong riot police force.
The anti-lockdown protesters gathered in the center of the Netherlands capital on Sunday, despite failing to get authorization for the rally from the authorities.
The protesters, who largely lacked face masks and did not exactly observe social distancing rules, decried the restrictive coronavirus measures, carrying banners reading “Freedom: stop this siege” and chanting such slogans as “What do we want? Freedom!” While the Netherlands was initially slower than some countries to respond to the pandemic, it turned to harsher restrictions in December as Covid-19 cases mounted.
The gathering was met with a strong law enforcement presence, including police officers in full riot gear and mounted units. Police demanded the protesters disperse, but the crowd failed to comply, with some protesters launching fireworks.
I see you at the back there shit stirring Genesis!
Is Gab working now?
Sorted their servers?
Reckon it might be time to do the account thing.
Can we do a private message thing like Twitter?