checkin in yo
creds pic related
the shills who push a subject get the brick wall, happened once about Hanx, Daily Beast has a story about Qanon downen Hanx next day, gotta watch those, the shill who push a notable are the ones to worry about, fuck off or fuck with the others as you like
That's the key though
Ignore the shills the don't upset anons
take on the ones that do and for sure know down the ones who threaten the board, like the notables shills, i guess I hadn't thought of it that way but it is what it is
i filter Steni whatever nutzo thinks he's Q
knock down
they didn't always though
had to push em to do it
anons shouldn't choose sides, baker hands down, opinion is another thing, took some time to develop
prolly tryin to force muh hand is not the way to go
no other anons were flippin for the noms, tell #2
it was obvious what they were up to so brick wall they got
they tried again with the dolls, they got a measly ooooo?
nothing came of it, board integrity safe
anons know what it is up now, that has not always been the case
I think where the baker's head is is important too
baker's head should be like, I'm here for a bread or too, here to keep it real and straight and anyone that get's in muy way to do it is gonna have trouble, shills, not anons
hit that One bake on Sat am
think I told em then fuckin with the wrong baker
shills Tues afternoon hit the "concrete" wall as frebe said
he now posts articles that are Q, Potus, related and knows if I skip one not to push
bastard been a pain in my ass forever
veli handled him best, cut him off, I woudl like to do the same but i am told we are the news so he knows what I'll notable and not
Notables, Since I have to
just needs a baker hat for me
nope subtle change, even the last few days
no kiddin
people took his word as gold but sompin finan came up and I let them know he was just another opinion, he writes guud articles but his finans are not complete
This board is for anons and not those namefaggin clown bakers, now you gonna confirm me or do I just do a hostile takeover?
early am baker slipped a changed dough in on ya, I cloned and baked it all day till GMT got on and lost their shit over the changes, I never noticed, I think it was a Q stream day. I was like, I didn't change anything and we tracked it down to you passin it to me but you didn't change it, someone slipped you a "fixed"dough, back during warrroom shit
which is why I have no problem throwin a pic and name, no doubt about who is "it" and let em bring it