newbie here. lurked on QR for over a year before i began my career in shitting breads. kek. for the record, this anon is not qualified to bake, and is lurking in order to be a better anon all around. many thanks for all the bakers and the dedication given, and ty for letting me audit your class.
roger that
kmao… God i love this man
Live Free or Die
kek. no sir WE arent
agree. any other attitude runs a great risk of becoming ….. , ya know …the thing.
evil, rotten bastards. kek
:). all good sense. nice
okay teach….. i love your class. i feel a bit better. i wont practice just yet. its been a long day. but i do have one worry. when i am on the board and it lags, and it does, alot, especially certain times. how the hell could i keep up if i were baking? should a lowly anon with computer limits like that even consider baking?
hmmm. ty