Why did Q suddenly appear?
After 7 months of President Donald Trump’s Presidency it, was clear to me that the infiltration of outside interests had maintained sufficient influence to thoroughly corrupt and pervert the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT into any monstrosity they saw fit. The problem was that the people acting in the true best interests of the American People lacked the true lawful authority to mount any effective response to these miscreants. Although, the President had the support of a majority of Americans in both vision and intent, the executive branch, alone, was not enough to recover the other two wayward branches of government. The mindful and conscientious prior stewards of Our County have always maintained a mechanism to restore the Government back UNDER the authority of the American People.
Know this: most Americans are not yet aware that they have been tricked into voluntarily waiving their true rights and power and have been rendered incapable, by the law, to act to peacefully recover our lawful authority over Our Servant Government. The heart of this weakness is pervasive, in that, We have allowed ourselves to become demoralized, become sufficiently ignorant of the law and have shirked Our responsibilities to even exercise our rights and power.
On August 9th 2017, I was moved to issue a notice and command to trigger this restorative mechanism. How is it that I had the power and authority to do that? Since July 4th 2006 the Truth set me free and I was given sufficient knowledge of the law to completely protect myself and remedy back to my base state as a man under Divine Law.
On August 9th 2017 I introduced the order below into the command chain of the US Military with the help of two competent soldiers in two separate branches of the military. Little did I know that one of those soldiers had the ability to ensure that this order showed up on the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff’s desk that following Monday morning August 14th 2017. It was an order they could not ignore as it was issued by one who had the Authority to issue that command.
The Order was empowered by the exercise of one right and that right does not infringe on anyone else’s rights. Most will not yet be able to comprehend the true power of the right I was exercising but those at the top certainly knew what had just happened.
Certain objectives were to be met by August 23rd 2017.
The reason they were not met was proof that the Government had lost its capacity to maintain itself under civilian control.
Because true justice is absolute and Divine Law is absolute, that breach handed those conscientious men in women who serve the American People all the Real Power and Lawful Authority to prevail over those infiltrators attempting to take Our Nation away from the American People.
Soon after, the public began being updated, in a secure and protected manner, by those with a duty to the American People that were taking concrete action to restore Lawful Governance without tipping off the enemy of the details of their battle plans and as to not create undue unrest among the people.
Since that time many of us are certain that real concrete steps have been taken toward that objective and we stand on the cusp of an awesome transformation. The gold badge operating and fully charged with that authority was simply labelled Q:
Below is the text of the order and the true objective of this effort.
Something is coming…something wonderful!