NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 False prophets Nov. 22, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.42094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let’s take a look at NGOs n see if we can discover falseprophets


We smell bullshit…dint all Holocaust Survivors get monies from the retribution fund?


They use this a front to wash money n sent it over, and swindle donations

NH:just a good cause n we are asshokes for thinking bad n not having faith in humanity….

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.42098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2099


Lit review can answer probability of this NGO could be part of CABAL….

Form Ch IL corrupt city….good front yo support freedom fighters, traffic humans…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.42101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2102


Don’t believe us on the possibility of access to trafficking humans or kids. That hand sure looks weird….just like the rest of them Spots

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.42110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2111


What how much a Fooken year? There wouldn’t be poverty in the world….Call us batshit crazy but if u do the math n follow along maybe you can see the possibility of it…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.42113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2114


As a certified rigger u gotta learn the universal signals to jump on any job site in the world and bee able to signal the machine operators such as a crane operator to handle the load…that diamond is sure a famous way to Pose…been noticing it slot on them Anchors on MSM Navajo CoDe Breakers kinda mistic Shit…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.42116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2117


Let’s take a look at our cast members, gots a notable back ground….from single berries turf….we bet u honey that she’s the Substitute player that is handler Of the team…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.42119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2120


The help the soldiers families n victims of terror…Ithem bags on that table look like buffet at planned parenthood….on thing is we can only follow one at a time kinda like VIKing on a single ship voyage…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.42120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2121


There only bringing them back to their mother land….it’s for a humanitarian cause…your an asshole if you think it’s a fraud cause they JEW…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.42121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2122


We smell bullshit…dint all Holocaust Survivors get monies from the retribution fund? Must be tripping if we think those reflections are cages…


They use this a front to wash money n sent it over, and swindle donations

NH:just a good cause n we are asshokes for thinking bad n not having faith in humanity…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.42122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2123


Wait wTF how many trillions he was laundered in his life time….n is on the airwaves…we wonder who’s twiddle duh n twiddle they….Fook that much money he could have ended poverty in the world off interest earned in a revolving savings scout t n use the monthly compounded interest to feed the world for a few years while the NGO stacked them chips n boom he surprises everyone kinda like the NESAra bullshit people been talking about…sure hope them crazies r right n it kicks in cause he starving n Fooken sunny p been fucking around n still don’t answer…where he been thou told you all him n the brother were SEll OUTS…don’t worry we haven’t forgotten ATL we just letting it play out n have that signature n then use it as n eXample….

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:30 a.m. No.42123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We know what today signifies… with that all due respect…some tear off their wings n give up eternity ..for love n choose to walk among us….

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.42126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2127


They say Good deeds never go unpunished unless the deeds aren’t gooD in nature or have good intentions…Fook I’ve never seen old timers with metallic grill, they have dentures thou, them silver grills for a poor haulacost victim or poor individuals musta have been donated…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.42127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2128


We’d be ready AF too if we gots taken care off, nah we ain’t SELL outs…We AF for God n Country…. you can deny the hand signals thou…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:46 a.m. No.42130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2131


Fook we never thought the was forgotten needy Jews in the Andes Mountains….Let’s lot at the financials cause we always chase that paper…wait wat how much in expenses n fund raiser? Gotta spend money to make money….yeah the big figure is what leaves US n goes to the Middle East Fook the could have bought PEACE over the last years with the amount of wealth leaving the country…

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.42131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2132


For being a NGO that spends money on 1hr long info mercials……they only focus for n hr on helping the starving holocaust survivors n not one word on all their other programs….they sure hold a lot of kids in the pictures….

NGOs auditor Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.42135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2136


Let’s take a look at the real financials…or at least reported to the sec….Fooken Ravi n Wife gets about 1.5 mil a year salary Fook we in the wrong business…that’s profit after everything they spend for the business of course….o for the NGO

Investigative Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 5:51 p.m. No.42147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2148

Reminds us the commercial old school said I GAVE a Brother? We wonder if they are related tho….Pencil Necks Grad dad was named Frank, n he has a new phew named Frank…according to Internet….5 things you don’t know about shifty he’s a JEW…..???

Investigative Bees ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.42151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You see an election official would have a list of registered voters similar like this…A friend of A friend when to go vote, they moved to a new city a year ago, she went to the DNV n changed her adddess little after she moved….she went to go vote in November 3 this year. In the town she has been living at for a year. She walked in was directed to two ladies on a computer…was told she could only bit for the president and other position but not her hometown candidates for city n school board officials…that she was not registered yet to new town…was walked to a machine they said the escort was shady as shit…asking her that if she was bummed out she could not vote for her local officials…n set her up n left….wat if in some counties or areas whoever pays to play at the local level this type of fraud happens….they wonder if someone voted for them at the old city she lived at or in this city they just rigged the ballot??? In a twin like VeGAs the in person votes could have been the ringer n the mail ins a second option…what is the najor difference this year than other years….Everyone is wearing masks so a local cracky can get paid per vote the election official has a pre generated list that is altered n possibly number coded so when said person that’s voted ten times cause nobody is going to recognize them due to face mask is given any info of any name on the list with an odd number or from 20-30 person in the racquet knows that I individual listed is dead, out of state, an avitar or fake profile made up for that purpose thru the birth certificate office at the local county registry…n now cracky changes clothes shirt. Location n votes three for time per location in person while there is 100 of these across country I. The corrupted local voting places?….making the mail in vote a distraction from the real con…m the mask mandates were implemented along with voter registration n pro visionary rules…

Yeah will go full circle…

Independent ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.42152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153

These Fooker is in on major global transport…..just like others about to mention….this Fooker is also board member of the Forgotten NGO which we hypothesized that they fund the army n are human trackers converted in helping the JEWs….Csuse you’d an Asshole if you even remotely suggest anything that could be against JEWs….But then again the power couple founders make 1.5 mil a year combined salary….Fook they should donate that money n live humble like Mother Theresa Did… 😜

Independent ID: 2d44c5 Nov. 22, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.42155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156


Theses fookers can be doing the chem trails n bunker fuels with there fleets….Of ships n boats…just look at the screen shots of the bio pics….