So which is the real amount of votes casted, they have reported so many different numbers eve. After certification….reported in hard audiT compared to reported on website…..
Why was the narrative pushed so hard by MSM for POTUS to Concede? We study history to learn from past events so that if they transpire in future events we could understand,adapt, adjust n execute a better game plan….What Fooked Al up? He made a call to concede before the recounts….n the ruling theoretically based on that call of admitting defeat….POTUS will never Concede for the Righteous STAND by the Principals, Morals, N BELiEFs…Fook they even show it in the movies….
Companies under companies for companies….Fook we know real business that never incorporate owners stating they don’t because that makes them accountable….It’s their last Name on the Line….. Moment u incorporate you wash ur hands….You stay sole proprietorship you Fook up you done….Checks N Balances!!!
You see the public school system with the NO child left behind bullshit developed a generation of speed readers…..the problem lies in the fact that most of that generation are tainted n turned off from reading, writing, STEAM because of the trauma of standardized testing… So it’s hard for most to read for comprehension….digital divide…..poor school performance….poverty….sheep…oppressed…1% kemp’s hold of the reins…..Fook em he educated AF n take it all the marbles…. are
U see Nit only Dominion in the mix…..invade one gets found out you gots another way thru…..Plan ABcdefg…….but most all hardware n software are compatible to use interchangeable cause of the law put forth we covered on thread earlier time…