oh i don't know specifically, i guess how much to post stuff unrelated to baking?
also, how many times do you usually post the working notables list, and how do you show that the last notables list is the final one?
okay great, and if more notables come in after 500, do you post an updated final list of notables at like 600 or something?
Okay great, and if someone posts a notable after the Updated Notables, it's probably best for them to repost in the next bread, since otherwise you'd have to post the notables over again, to grab that link for the bottom of the notables list in the dough? i.e. do you ever just add a notable to the dough without reposting the list in the bread?
i think i mostly got it, maybe just some practice at this point
thanks Bakers for good advice!
ah thanks that is helpful, that was part i was a little unsure about
this has to do with the 2nd post, with the lists of notables (pic attached) when that list gets too long, it gives an error message. when that happens, you delete the bottom (oldest) list of notables. except before you delete it, you post it's bottom line into the list of shorthand notables below it
so in this case, if you got that error message, you'd delete the list of #10404, but before deleting you'd paste it's bottom line into the section of Previously Collected Notables
is it better to make the updated pastebin before baking, or after (and then post the dough)?
nice that is helpful too