Did you just say 'sped' because you saw Jim use it in a tweet?
I love the completely transparent attempts to manipulate things even though he thinks he's being sneaky about it.
I love the cringy boomerposting type of stuff like /smirk or signing his tweets "CRP"
I love his completely ridiculous overly-dramatic phrasing.
He's such a retarded goofball. I wonder how bad he is at poker.
>young confused relative has recently come out as "transgender"
This propaganda aimed at kids sexual lives really shits me.
She probably had her dick out.
Why ask "can i sperg out?" if you're just going to do it anyway?
They also crave attention. When they see (you) their feminine penises get tinglies.
He seems to have a lack of self-awareness. I think he's probably easily tricked, and learned the tricks that kept getting him conned, and now tries to use them. He's not aware the archetype of the snake-oil salesman is far too well-known to be used against anyone but geriatrics and extremely young children.
I don't think it's doing well on them that was the problem. From CRP's own mouth, he was waving his hand around shouting "ME ME ME ME ME!"
He also drug his whole class through a little impromptu court session on the validity of the textbook when he made it clear they just wanted to be done with this boring math shit, instead of coming to the teacher after class with it.
It makes me thing CRP was always a bit obnoxious and spergy.
If you guys need a laugh in between streams, check out Tree of Logic's channel trailer. It's the most bizarre and hilarious thing. I wnated to do a video on it but editing it or talking over it at all will destroy the magic.
Tree confirmed for being into CBT and raceplay.
I don't see Faith Goldy wearing a red armband and championing National Socialism. You're linking her to some entirely separate incident decades ago. What's more likely, she's a secret mossad plant or just some Bill O'Reilly watching basic bitch who's become slightly edgified thanks to the internet?
I'm certain at least 80% of his fans think he shit his pants and did nothing wrong.
>the altright
>some kike from the 60s
>david duke
I'm talking about Goldy, though. Again, what does she say that is false or that you have a disagreement with? She's just another basicbitch who sees the problem with immigration but doesn't have the stones to see the Solution to it. Not some masterful 4d chess move by the kikes.
>you post frogs and kike memes whilst pretending to be smarter
>At the end of the day this makes you no different from the septics and regressive left as far as I'm concerned, you fucks
>tfw u will never be this bigbrained
It is better this way. Watching them sweat and wonder what the next video will talk about is great.
>I guess this'll have to do, ne?
>Nagas, wolf hybrids, just about anything
>While I'd strongly prefer for the other person's character to be female, I won't rule out the possiblity of roleplaying with another male character
>I don't care if the white race dies out
This is one of the times you can see the true face of Sargon. He's not smart, he has no decent values, and everything he does is about signalling to the right type of people. He's a hollow soulless shell who makes up for his lack of personality with a faux-intellectual facade.
Seems legit. Why is everyone in this drama a filthy communist or a roleplaying degenerate autist?
The amount of ballwashing that goes on with Sargon is sickening. That completely average fatfuck could do a twenty minute stream of armpit farts and his lackeys would call it a thrilling and brilliant takedown of identitarianism and party politics.
He's now telling everyone Cenk shit his pants and did nothing wrong and to stop cyberbullying him. The fat turkish retard who's constantly whining about the patriarchy and white supremacy gets caught being a hypocrite and Sargon's reaction is to poke his nose in and remind us all not to be "just like those SJWs™".
He's a fucking dullard and I hope his wife's son gets hit by a Truck of Peace.
>i'm not afraid of x
Isn't this the tactic SJWs use to shame people? You're an x-ophobe? These cuckchan baiters are just like the SJWs tbh fam.