Only after Sargon goes. And also Vee, Holiday and all of his other lackeys. By by the looks of it, we won't even need to do anything about him, he is self-destructing in the process.
We dont need to actively go after Vee, i guess, but we need to destroy the social structure in he is set into. Internet communities really are very interesting sociological constructs.
And yes, this is straight up mafia tactics, the lower-ranked members sacrifice themselves in order for the boss, even though defined in a rather descentralized manner, is protected.
I dont know, man. Even amongst e-celeb communities, this one looks specially dissimulated.
The alt-kike (except TRS i guess) might be a retarded controlled opposition program, but at least they don't act this retarded.
>oy vey, we need to take down the rotschilds, but leave the rockefellers alone!!!
Yeah, no, Vee.
Seems like a good plan.
Oh way, i'm a retard. brb gonna kill myself.
Oh, he certainly will, but then they as a community would have lost all credibility.
Can't be a coincidence.
I did, and i didnt see anything incriminating in all of it.
The only shady thing is that he refused to give the economist the site's domain for 1$ as they had previously agreed, instead charging him $5000.
Oh, and he shilled for his own books on amazon through the use of sockpuppets.
The supposed scam he applied on the economist was fake and even the guy admitted that he was mistaken about it.
He inherited that house, alongside all of these books, from a deceased uncle or something like that. He probably doesnt have any idea of what's in them.
I live in a third world shithole, and being a doctor gives a LOT of money. It's not uncommon for doctors to make over $200k a year.