Has anyone sent this to Jim yet? This is too gold to not include in a video.
>Even if Jim mentions this only briefly i'm sure we would have a delicious spergy reaction from the fat fuck
Something like this could easily sink Sargon. He tries to defend himself by saying he wasn't directly involved with the server but then there's a video describing how lying by omission is the worst thing you can possibly do. It's like night and day.
>It'll be one of those things where we won't see him go instantly down in flames like Kraut/Jeff, but it will be a major blow to his credibility that will accelerate his decline into irrelevancy.
Not only that but it'll cause people to not trust him and to not see him as sincere when he starts talking about how immoral someone else is or how they're evil liars when he's exactly like them when push comes to shove. He can't be le_principled skeptic anymore. Without that Sargon doesn't have much draw to his videos.
He's posted a video about the sexual harassment that he describes in this article where he explains it more in depth.
The tl;dr of it is that this girl he made out with saw him with someone else and she claimed he sexually harassed her despite having physical evidence to the contrary, which got him kicked out of college.
>I haven't really been following these threads other than what I see on the front page. But having dipped into a couple of streams in the last few days, I'm astonished at how these guys regard Jim. Namely they're afraid of him. Jeff Holliday's "confession" video seemed to have Jim's shit as the tipping point – the hand on his balls that made him cry uncle (though the faggot would probably love that).
All of these people are fanboys of Jim. Mostly because of the Gamergate videos he did.
>Jim has this huge following and he doesn't seem to give a shit about it at all
He tends to really dislike it or see it for what it is. Like remember the young pedophile Jonathan Ross was also a huge fanboy of him. If you watch the first livestream that he did a video on, Ross even says "it's an honor that you're here".
>I got the sense that ross wanted to be a cow
I somewhat doubt that given how much he tried to downplay what he did and almost immediately after Jim's video he did the febreeze drinking stream
>That we are aware of.
I remember someone asked if he'd ever talk about something that he's personally into sexually on Deviants and he said when he'd get to it he'd own up to it.
>You don't think that's consistent with wanting to be a cow?
No I think it's consistent with someone you admire and look up to shattering your self esteem to the point where you get absurdly depressed and near-suicidal. He already got attention I don't see him intentionally drinking a harmful substance on purpose while he's at the peak of people paying attention to him. I see that occurring later on down the line when nobody cares like Shoenice.
The amount of anger in the comments is insane. All because he called Sargon a fat beta male.
That's really all this is and all they latch onto.
No most of these people were part of the atheism community. Not all of them made videos at the time but most of them followed the big names. It's notable that a lot of them gradually stopped doing religious videos around 2011-2012. The Amazing Atheist even later changed his username to his irl name. The stated reason for this was that the Christian community on youtube essentially kept reusing the same arguments over and over. But in reality it was solely due to money. Since sjws were starting to be a thing and were starting to take off in popularity. Sargon was starting to be a thing at the time and he was making tons of views just talking about how dumb Anita was.
I somewhat doubt it would work. "Please pay my legal fees because I called someone a conman and I was aware of a doxxxxing server but didn't tell anyone" doesn't go as far as "rabid feminists want to take me down"
>The feds will sodomize themselves and put googly eyes on them just to avoid being found out
probably at 8 pm same as last time
The daily stormer linked Jim's video
No it's not that he doesn't want to
It's that he literally can't. He signed an NDA and a clause that means he can't talk shit about the company. He could get sued for breach of contract if anyone hears him say anything about it that's not positive.
That's because all they do is parrot statements other people make. When directly pressed about something they'll usually respond with "I haven't read about that" or "I don't care" as a defense mechanism to avoid being considered stupid or wrong.