>How does it feel that he's gone, /cow/?
He's not gone. Just hiding in the shadows for now https://imgur.com/a/xT8BH
>How does it feel that he's gone, /cow/?
He's not gone. Just hiding in the shadows for now https://imgur.com/a/xT8BH
Jeff "There is no IQ debate" Holiday is apparently apologizing. Can't be assed to watch the whole hour long video. But he uploaded it to his second channel, not his main channel, he's disabled all comments like a faggot and crying about how he's been doxed. So just at a first glance it seems he's full of shit and not sorry at all.
God I wish this sperg would jump off a bridge already. He keeps derailing shit with his cringy behavior and trying to make everything about him.
Thank fuck someone's going after this squirrel larper. He seems like he's been playing pretty much every side to avoid getting shit. I get sick and tired of his passive aggressive behavior everywhere i seen him, plus the constant use of ellipsis… is really… annoying…
Oh it'll definitely back fire, even if he wins the law suit. People hate faggots who sue over dumb internet shit.
What is it with killroy attracting these fags trying to start fights there?
"based mama" is actually a giant slut who's had multiple kids with multiple guys.
He never uploaded to his first channel. He uploaded his apology to his second channel, disabled comments and cried about being doxed in the description.