that begins with homeschooling. it will take many out of the fight. choice between saving their children or being able to buy the next new iphone. they already vax their kids so they can go to Disneyland, so we shall see.
St Benedicts medal
this is what i'm learning throughout history
they don't destroy the information. it's made to look like they do.
they hoard it. use it for themselves.
most valuable commodity on the planet. information. they would never destroy it.
they've been stealing it since the beginning of time haven't they?
whatever these things are.
sad what happen there. what a terrible loss.
and all roads seem to be pointing in one direction.
its above. came out of nowhere. CNN went to commercial and then boom, that started. apologies for crude video editing. 9 part
understood. i have lots of high grade help
lots of info in that. needs to be analyzed for anyone that can stomach it.