The clock is counting forward live from the website from the Start date of 6/11/18.
There is no end date calc in the source.
Did you look at it?
function cupdate() {
stage.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
stage.font = "40px Monospace";
stage.fillStyle = "#999999";
stage.textAlign = "center";
fid = Math.abs(start - Date.now()) / 1000; d = Math.floor(fid / 86400); fid -= d * 86400; h = Math.floor(fid / 3600) % 24; fid -= h * 3600; m = Math.floor(fid / 60) % 60; fid -= m * 60; s = Math.trunc(fid % 60);
canvas.textContent = d + ':' + (('' + h).length 1 ? : '0') + h + ':' + (( + m).length > 1 ? : '0') + m + ':' + (( + s).length > 1 ? '' : '0') + s;
stage.fillText(d + ':' + (('' + h).length 1 ? : '0') + h + ':' + (( + m).length > 1 ? : '0') + m + ':' + (( + s).length > 1 ? '' : '0') + s, mid, 340);