Evening Frens
They have many methods of waking programmed sleepers.
They aren't always successful.
Realizing the programming exists, is hard.
Breaking the programming… Requires Light, Love, and Patience.
She is mine, and they will not have her.
The end game draws near, and desperation is evident.
Lithium Carbonate: A mood stabilizer, also one of the top drugs used during MK Ultra research to keep programming stable. To keep the subject from self-deprogramming.
They. Will. Not. Take. Her. From. Me.
But it's heavily engrained.
Recovery has been slow for her.
Something… tried -very- hard.
A darkness anchored very deep behind many walls that have been broken before and self-repaired.
The blocks are slowly eroding, but the Anchor has a fast hold.
Fairly similar in this situation.
"Push the Darkness Away.
Love and Light will remain."
Whatever it was, did not like those words… at all….
She knows not what she fights. The programming is deep and hidden. I have to be careful, too much too soon will trigger safe-guards.
Fractures Bured Deep Within.
Skin Like Porcelain.
Light Pierces Darkness, of a old Shell…
Built Around the Innocence of an Angel…
At a young age, Forced Through Hell.
A Survivor of what?
The mind of a child is fragile.
Broken and fractured, and molded by evil.
The Adult carries the scars of the innocence lost.
Deep within the worn out shell… The innocent girl hides from the evil she knew. Unable to forget.
Scared to love, scared to live, scared to forgive.
The shell has been welded, countless times.
The shell still cracks… all in good time.
While a full grown Adult stands before me now.
The little girl lost… Still wants to come out.
These People Are Truly Evil
It's difficult to comprehend for someone that's not gone through it.
Sometimes no matter how much you try to help, it's wrong place wrong time. Sometimes the -how- is simply what's wrong.
It's very much been a trial and error. One that almost drove us to the brink.
The hardest part of everything… is helping her see for herself that she is worth being loved, deserving of such love, and capable of so much.
Out of every person I've ever met in this life… I never met anyone more deserving of love, after going through so much darkness. So much pain. So much evil.
But I tell you what… She's hardened, and don't take shit off anyone. Byproduct of a hard life.
But when you're sitting in the middle of a crowded bar room, and suddenly she silently looks over at me and explains the following without so much as a verbal word.
"That guy… behind me… eyes on… he's creeping on that girl bad, watch out"
And all of the sudden… Both of us are aware of the situation. Her situational awareness combined with my own. Her ability to give and take silent cues with sharp clarity. Whether it's in a Bar or walking around in an -old- forest, or sitting on the porch and hearing noises…
We Sync… We get each other. We can both alert the other to a potential situation without ever saying a word, and within seconds can be focused on the same potential threat.
My own life was rough in a different way, lots of fighting in school, betrayal, girls etc… Grow up with your head on a swivel and it kinda sticks with you. Both of us grew up with our heads on a swivel for different reasons, but we sync.
Trust…. Trust is the hardest fear to overcome.
Sometimes we fight for what we think is right, in the wrong ways. Indirectly causing more harm than good at times. These are the trials and lessons of love.
Lucky to have me? Perhaps.
Lucky to have her? Absolutely more than anybody could possibly imagine.
Love, Light, and Patience
Pax Tibi, Frater
Morning Frens
Incredibly rare indeed… The friction is simply the part of that instinctual background that can cause more harm than good.
It's an irony. What once helped survive, now can cause problems. Daily struggle for both of us.
You have done well. We are always seeking highly intelligent individuals.
# Seek and you will be found.
Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,
For, those, whom thou think’st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee …
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Visitors in a Corporeal or non-corporeal sense? Lost long ago in this life or another?
Yup…. Years…
You'd be amazed what a random stranger would be willing to tell you about their life simply by asking the right questions.
Learning which questions are the right and wrong ones to ask… And when…
When you learn to ask the questions people have never asked themselves, you begin a Deep Dive journey with that person, in that very moment that will impact them for the rest of their lives.
Simply by being in another person's existence for a brief moment, and listening to them, you have the capacity to fundamentally change their future. Even with but a few brief minutes.
Seeing the shadows that lurk in their darkness, can shine light on even the most guarded soul.
Sometimes being seen, and feeling heard, is the best thing for someone that suffers in silence.
I've seen many things over many years. But I pay attention more than most.
Things once seen, will never go un-seen again.
Being able to see internalized pain on someone's face can be both a gift and a curse.
A heavy burden in either situation. But when you've met as many strangers as I have and walked away from the conversation feeling like you've had a positive impact on their suffering… Makes the burden easier to bear.
As far as seeing much more than others?
I honestly don't know how much more I can see than others.
Or what I see that others don't.
I just know what I see.