Some perspective re: 8kun site.
Global Statistics
There are currently 361 public boards, 412 in total. Sitewide, 409 posts have been made in the last hour, with 283 on public boards in the last hour and 58,841,033 on all active boards since October 15, 2019. This page was last updated on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 23:00:01 +0000.
Out of the 412 boards only 54 are active.
pic related shows all 54 boards and a few inactive.
Out of the 54 there are likely 10 that are actively posted in (check Posts Per Hour PPH column)
Out of the 10 active 8 show at least 1 pph
Out of those 8 only 6 are above 1 post per hour
/qresearch/ 245 pph
/random/ 8 pph
/midnightriders/ 6 pph
/vichan/ 6 pph
/qrb/ 4 pph
/newsplus/ 4 pph
Remember these are the visible boards, some are not indexed.
Can see why it is not a big priority as it is likely just a business loss/write-off