I can help.
Do you believe it's the Jews?
Do you think anyone who doesn't think it's the Jews is a filthy kike that needs to go cry moar to his rabbi?
Do you think banning Anons and Bakers who say it isn't necessarily always the Jews is fair and appropriate?
Do you believe that editing closed breads to remove content based on personal preferences is a good idea.
If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then you need to go back.
You'd be much happier with the M'Ju shill-tards back at QResearch.
Nice to know the virus is considerate of your chosen vocation.
Oh do fuck off back to M'Ju shill heaven.
Is diddums scared about fair competition in the information wars?
So Anons, see what happens when you stroll on into a fresh new board without wiping your feet.
Someone got a bunch of Gary all over a shoe and is now marching it across the carpet.
Try and be more careful.
Don't forget to wipe your feet.