Deppdips shoud really take off now that Tranime is gettng tripps its a sign from KEK lol
Deppdigz is toots country but come on lil' fighter to much all at ones lol
Deppdis movin so fass now i about to vomit on a hookr lol
I told u i lik clif no need to make up stuf i still gunna watch him lol
Bakir get a new on up bred movin to fast dont want no dwon time on Deppdigz lol
Deppdiss no lie Q did shwo up but he lame af now lol
Bakir quit sapamming and get anew bred up wtf moran lol
you did it wron spposed to cap op and fpbp go bacl 2 redditz lol
Deppdibs has found it ture purpose in live - shitpossting lol