Oy, I'm Jewish
Am I able to post here ?
Oy, I'm Jewish
Am I able to post here ?
>swarthy people rubbing their hands.
I don't accept the swarthy description
Jews are White people too, you know
>two non jewish people to have a conversation online
yes yes
of course goyim can chat online as long as we approve
what's not to like ?
I might make some money by listening in
win win
continue goy, continue
you can't be posting this
It's anti semitic
I am offended
stop immediately or I will shed tears as I beat you
Oy vey, I'm one of you !
oh my
thank you good sir
I am glad in my heart after seeing that photo
you are truly a kind goy
but alas, no shekels for you !
>Jews will always be Kikes!
>another boardinvested with jews
>only a filthy kike would think about pointing guns at children
>they know !!!!!
>shut it DOWN
>my sides are hurting
oy gevalt, I like that Harry Potter shiksa
if she lets me jab her, I'll give her a job !
>shit post for awhile
you need a license for that !!
I will charge you 100 shekels for a license and give you a .00000001% discount for being a good goy
shhhhhhhhhhhh !
goy, don't tell them our strategies !
stop !
come back to the plantation now !!!
>all muhjoo shills/clowns