>(47 post baker)
>over 10 percent of the bread
>do you understand how they control you?
>it's simply a numbers game
>the moar posts you see of theirs
>the moar you step in line
>it's very simple because you are all very fucking easy to play
This faggot really can't cope with the fact there are no rules here.
>> hiding your post numbers
>The Board BO set it up that way over a year ago.
>This was just a little side board he setup for diggs.
>I 'member him from back then on QR asking for directions on how to do it.
>It never really went anywhere until…
>The BV Man Bad crowd hijacked it after the latest Board War incident.
>Doge gave the timeline of how it went down in pic related
Kill yourself
Nobody cares
Until the board owner and his merry band of shills are rounded up and exterminated like the filthy self-loathing shekel goblins they are, that place will never return to it's former glory.
Anons will just have to expand their thinking with multiple boards!
Such a tragedy