Truth Seeker ID: be87d0 Dec. 23, 2021, 5:56 a.m. No.1699   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When you finally figure out PDJT's way of communicating, you'll be amazed at what all you see. He's emulating someone from the past in the way he speaks because he uses allegory a lot. First, he repeatedly referred to 1917 during the start of the pandemic. Spanish Flu didn't happen until 1918, so what was going on during 1917? Teh Red October references start to make sense if you remember the scene where they steer the sub into the path of the torpedo before it could arm itself. The enemy's playbook is simple:

  1. Create a scare

  2. Get everyone surrender to fear

  3. Take control, and don't let it go.


With the CCP virus, the coverage was the hoax (virus real, yes; coverage a lie). Now that you've got everyone living in fear, you start taking freedoms away, church, societal norms get tossed out the window, bombard people with distractions, and start your lock downs. What PDJT has in his arsenal was the ability to expedite their timeline. Lean on manufacturers to put a vaccine out there that gives the public a different position on the battlefield. That position is fighting over mandates. It ran the timeline past what would have been the eventual outcome of their plan: Bread lines, UBI in perpetuity, and eventually, camps. Instead, we're fighting against mandates, and insisting that taking the vaccine is a matter of personal freedom. Vaxxers and those that are hesitant or demanding autonomy are starting to join together over the mandates and fight against the control.


When he says you are "playing into their hands", he means that if there had been no vaccine option on the table, we'd have been in a much, much worse position by now (think Australia). Also, if he doesn't play the "vaccines" work position, we lose that strategical front in the realm of ideas, and spiral right into absolute control. PDJT is a master communicator. Depending on your perspective while listening, you'll hear the messages loud and clear. He will always use the vaccine as allegory for freedom, and the virus as the invisible enemy (communism). He will also only ever refer to it as "The Vaccine". He'll never mention or tell which vaccine he took, or the booster.


Everyone knows he didn't get the vaccine. Nor did Ivanka, or anyone else in his family. His treatment was monoclonal antibodies, and he pushed prophylactics. Had he continued to push for medicines that work, they'd all be removed in their entirety, and we truly would be having a real scare. He has to lean back towards the vaccine talk to keep the focus on that battlefield so that those coveted cures for cancer, viruses, and other diseases can still be available to the world. Yes, all those antiparasitics like HCQ, Quinine, Arteminisin, and Ivermectin when used in conjunction with Zinc really do offer cures. That's what's got them scared shitless.


Second screenshot; look at the date, and the dates given for the way ahead. Third screenshot; look at the date, and the challenge Q posted to the establishment. Really simple:

>Release prior to cover up.

>Public informed and collapse.

>Which option?


This is a long haul war. The awakening is a process. The slower we go, the more permanent the change (94 to 96% is the goal, remember?). Ideological revolution isn't an upgrade or a quick download. It's a reconfiguration of understanding itself, and how we process information in search for the Truth is the ultimate lesson. PDJT and patriots have a firm grip on the leash of the beast that's already been trapped. The best part of this is patriots get to use their script (think Revelation) to expose all their lies to bring everyone back towards objective reality.


When you listen to PDJT speak, don't stop with the surface level statements and panic. Always dig for a deeper meaning, or how the words he uses could be allegory for something else. That's the key. Turn off the noise of the Alex Jones', the Snowdens, the Assange supporters, the MSM, and other rabble-rousers. Pay attention to him, keep verifying current events with what can be proven, and plug yourself in where you can help guide others and help with moving things forward.


In other words, just Be Best. We still have a way to go, but it's working; and it's brilliant once you can see it more clearly.