Holy shit what a wall of text.
I'm actually going to take a minute and parse this bullshit.
>The sad truth it it truly started to decay after the first GG board died. You could see the machinators showing their teeth in that very thread that Niko screwed up when he decided to troll the board. The funniest thing is you could see some familiar faces pop up in there.
Those familiar faces set Niko up with the first board too. It was /v/ who created /gg/ in the first place. The problem came from Cancerfags repeatedly co-opting our various chosen BOs in the background. They ran two boards and destroyed two boards. Not "two boards slowed down." Two boards, deliberately and maliciously destroyed by once-responsible BOs turned trolls by their cancerous Twitter and IRC friends. It was even admitted that Bladee literally handed over the keys to /gamergate/ to Ayyteam "for the lulz." Well fuck their lulz and fuck yours too. It wasn't their board to torch.
>Here comes the point where I realized these people were in bed with the site and influencing it at even admin level.
Like how HW once threatened to pull GGHQ from me, and publicly supported revolt at least once? How HW was a member of the #Luminati IRC circle with Dryfag and the rest of the same Cancerfags I mentioned above? You're just mad he held to his principles and didn't abuse his power for you like every other faggot those cucks co-opted. He even gave the board back to Niko at his request.
>AcidMan not only doxed and kept dossiers on people he didn't like
Doxed and kept dossiers on the people involved in the group that tried to get me SWAT-ed. Not "that he didn't like", you disingenuous fuck.
>but reported them to the FBI just because he didn't like them
See the above. Ignoring the real reason why any of that happened to spin it as "because he didn't like them" is some Stalinist Russia level of memory-hole bullshit.
>and had some BS conspiracy about how everyone was against him
Complete lie, which makes you a complete liar. The clique of faggots responsible for doxing and trying to SWAT me were a known quantity even before it happened. I've never blamed or acted against anyone outside of that group. I don't even blame baph for it, and that's where they went to do their dirty work.
>But AcidMan whose actions had real life consequences on innocent people was just business as usual while he lied about being swatted?
They weren't fucking innocent. Wemb VERY related. And you lying about me being swatted is not the same as me lying about being swatted. The attempt was made, it didn't fire, and I handed everything over to law enforcement in the aftermath.
>Vivian James? Some would call it "meme magic". The fact is, meme magic already has a name and there is no coincidence going on here. It is a form of psychological warfare and the very mascot of GG was used for just that. Every thing from deflections to argument. Congratulations. You have all been brainwashed by your own means and memes.
Or maybe she's a QT anime gril that we made for a videogame, and because she was cute and directly related to #GG's beginnings, we took her as a mascot and she got really popular. Not everything you see is the result of aliens beaming brain-rays into people's heads. You are not the enlightened saviour with your tinfoil fucking hat.
>GG doomed itself by being "open and tolerant".
As opposed to being closed-minded and intolerant, like the SJW media bigots and their parrots we've been fighting against. You're a fuckin' genius, ya idiot.
>They killed themselves with PR and will never admit it.
You killed yourself by seeing #GG's Twitterfront go through a PR phase and in your myopic worldview decided that was all there was going to be for all of #GG forever and ever. Because you said so. And you'll never admit it.
>See above how they freaked about a troll modding their board. This happened on 8chan where they could have just made another board and got along with life
Yes, letting trolls have mod powers on sensitive communities is not a problem Nackt. Not like they fucking destroyed /gamergate/ at the first opportunity or anything. Not like the troll in question hadn't been actively sabotaging #GG efforts on Twitter since the earliest days. You just keep right on ignoring reality, or it might knock you off your soapbox.
>The problem is that those who are left are the biggest examples of "not when we do it" that you could imagine.
Show me where any of us have been shitting on gamers from a bully pulpit and trying to kill an entire demographic identity out of our own one-sided political ideology. ''Like you have been doing by proclaiming the death of #GG at us from your altright poltiicsfag pulpit." SJWs always project.
>They said nothing when people like Lo-Ping distracted their manpower and resources for purely PR based donation drives that he failed to mention he was taking a chunk of.
Because we don't care. It was fun, people enjoyed it, and Lo-Ping is popular and well liked as one of our louder supporters. Not every fucking thing you find important and world-altering is going to be seen by others with the same sense of urgency. People can be fully informed and not give a shit because they enjoy the outcome. This neither makes you special nor wise, it just means you had different priorities. You're retarded for treating it like some kind of fucking epiphany.
>They never went after CoV or her corrupted industry bean counters and frankenstein creators who putโฆ
See the above paragraph and get the fuck off your high horse.
>They never even blinked when staring into the abyss of their OWN corrupted mediums that were intended to replace the unethical and absolutely BS video game "journalism" when some of them eventually ended up doing the same things people like Kotaku and IGN did. Looking at you Orselli.
Its a mark of actual wisdom to not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good enough. Its a mark of actual idiocy to demand perfection or else. When Nichegamer tries to "kill" us or devolves utterly into clickbait, the line will be crossed.
>They never even ATTEMPTED to put the people destroying the industry out of the job purely for "ethical" PR reasonsโฆ. the journalists STILL have their jobs and the corrupted devs that are destroying their industries are still working which leads to our next issue,
Jenn Frank, Leigh Alexander, Phil Fish, Brandon Boyer, Laura Dale, Kris Ligman, Lohnathan Holmes, and on and on and on. You can count the number of the faggots who are LEFT on two hands, most of them at Kotaku, who is going down with Gawker. Sarkeesian split with her mastermind and has been floundering. The UN report was a debacle that we forced a retraction of. You're full of shit.
>Not going after devs.
Target the same smaller devs we're doing outreach to, or the AAA devs who sell so many Cowadoody games to non-#GG people that our absence and complaints would be pissing in the ocean? I'm sorry you have a hardon for fighting losing battles. The rest of us would like to win.
>Their constant cheer for "ethics only in games journalism" is what ultimately killed them.
If the "cheer" was so "constant" you should be able to provide 25 examples at your fingertips. Not individual Twitters making one-off posts either. Lets see the articles, the blogposts, and the Tweets with thousands of RTs and Favorites. I'm calling this the fuck out.
>I am dead serious. The thing that GG was about it what killed GG.
Sounds more to me like you're taking your ball and going home. If you find what we are and what we have been from the start so detrimental and offensive, then fuck off and shut up. You're not our leader.
>They didn't want it to be political
Not like politics wasn't causing us tons of problems, what with the media bias and SJWs and shit. The goal was to get the politics and bias out. Not replace it with your favorite brand, Nackt.
>The thing is, I could have dumped that on them about two years back but I knew they were not ready for it. They were still trying to swallow DiGRA.
You were too enlightened by your own intelligence to drop such a world-changing infobomb on the lowly plebians. I understand. It must be hard to be such a genius.
>I guess spending God knows how much money on a baby seal that they never even got to see as a schadenfreude was far more important than finding a lawyer to go up against Zoe while the iron was hot or just focus on getting corrupt entities out of the job. But they had fun right?
Yes, yes we did. Logistics of finding a reliable and trustworthy lawyer willing to literally work for a hashtag aside, people can spend their money how they please. Did #GG's collective expense account displease you, your-fucking-Majesty? Too bad.
> Armchair general from every spectrum came in like buzzards with their own agendas and special interests to push.
You're one of those, by the way. See also, this entire messianic rant you spent however long typing up.
>When you sit in a hugbox all day, you tend to forget that your opens are not the same as the outside world and just because someone disagrees with them does not necessarily mean they are wrong or bad.
>Look at any topic on /v/ or /gamergateHQ/ and you will see exactly what I mean. This is why a major exodus from 8chan never happened. Facts upon facts were dumped on them yet they still looked at them as if they were foreign. Proof the site was unsafe, proof that Jim was a filthy lying con artist and data miner, proof that his son had NO idea what he was doing, proof the site was compromised, proof the site stored information for old posts, proof the entire site's administrative hierarchy was as despicable and dishonest as 4chan's.
We put up with moots shit for years until he crossed the line to overt censorship. Jim might even be a scumbag, but until he comes out and actually attacks us over something, why do you expect people to leave at the drop of a hat on your say so? We're are we going to go? Cancerchan? News flash: Other people are not obligated to think as highly of your opinions as you do. Tragic, I know.
>GamerGate lost the war because they refused to evolve.
Name one single instance where we materially lost a damned thing. I don't mean rhetorically or metaphorically lost. I mean where we lost that it actually cost us something and didn't end up hurting the enemy worse in the big picture. I'll wait, because there hasn't fucking been one.
>The psychological culture war going on in this very world. Something bigger than the industry. Something far bigger than GG itself. Something that involves the well being of all humanity.
We'll get right on it, Leaderfag. Wouldn't want to displease you after all. o7 Its not like we don't have our hands full fighting for just one little subculture - we'd better bump right up to declaring war on the rest of humanity's institutions. Stretching ourselves paper-thin on a global scale will surely bring immediate victory against an enemy entrenched for decades in the most powerful places on Earth. Or maybe we'll not be retarded and instead concentrate our efforts where it matters most to us. That seems better.
>In all their hubris they had to have it all about them and nothing else.
You want us to go out and play Superman while niggers are breaking into our own house right in front of us. And you think that's hubris on our part? Your arrogance is absolutely breathtaking.
I think that about covers it. I am making a checklist of these stupid arguments, because the thought seems to be that if they just keep repeating this bullshit enough times, that it will eventually work.