Acid Man ID: 65e787 Internet Archaeology - The Penny Arcade Digging Thread May 1, 2016, 9:27 p.m. No.323200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Full disclosure: Your board owner is butthurt.


You guys and gals can probably remember every major event in #GG's history since August of 2014, and I'm sure a lot of you remember this one too:




I've seen it referenced both here and on /v/ as one of the major SJW issues in gaming before #GG came along. But somehow we missed something. We missed The Clique.


A long time ago, I was an avid PA reader and a major fan. Then in 2014, they made a post on the PA site weighing in on #GG that essentially threw us to the wolves and told us to give up. The people who waged a personal war against Jack Thompson were cowed by SJWs. I bore such a grudge over that, that I never went back to the site again. And so I missed it too.


The names.




>Amanda Marcotte


>Dan Bruno


>Leigh Alexander


>Jenn Frank


>Arthur Gies.


>Wil Wheaton


>James Fudge


>Arthur Chu


>Nathan Grayson


>Courtney Stanton / @kirbybits (the one demanding DW merch be taken down from the PA store)


>Maddy Myers of the Boston Phoenix




Not only that, but the original post that started the shitstorm was an anonymous blogpost on the Shakesville forum.


The same clique that declared gamers dead were responsible for the cucking of Penny Arcade a full four years before #GG happened. To my knowledge no digging into those events has ever been undertaken - it being ancient history by Internet standards.


Guess what the purpose of this thread is?


>Who could have made the Shakesville blogpost?


>How were the journos tipped off?


>Was GJP, or some predecessor to it, actively involved?


>What are the connections between the clique back then? How deep did the whole thing go?


And my personal suspicions, which I'll copy and paste from my /v/ post earlier, before I noticed any of this.


>Sometimes I wonder if the cucking of Penny Arcade wasn't a planned act. Anyone remember the games media getting involved in it at any point?


>As popular, un-PC, and loudmouthed as Gabe and Tycho were, and as much utter hell as they caused Jack Thompson, it would stand to reason that they would have to be dealt with somehow before the "socialization" of vidya could be attempted in earnest. They had enough fans to DDoS sites by accident, just from linking them. Imagine if they had jumped on the ride with us back at the beginning. No way could the SJWs allow that.




Put together a packet of information we can send to Usher and other #GG friendly outlets, and expose that this conniving bullshit has been going on FAR longer than #GamerGate.


Get to digging anons. The rabbit hole apparently reaches back into the past, and I'll be right here alongside you.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 Useful Links May 1, 2016, 9:37 p.m. No.323202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This will be edited as we find more things:




The Anonymous Blogpost That Started the Shitstorm




>Several speakers pulling out (notable names: Arthur Gies, Niels Clark[Ethics teacher at DigiPen], Deirdra Kai, Courtney Stanton)

>Interesting quote: "Members of the gaming industry had reached out quietly and respectfully to the PA crew."


>Nathan "and n" Grayson with a hitpiece on PA


>Maddy Myers in the Boston Phoenix


>Courtney Stanton shits on #GG


>Courtney on Dickwolves and PAX


>Courtney selling anti-Dickwolf T-shirts


>Ending T-shirt sales:


>Courtney's final word


>Leigh Alexander shits on PAX


>James Fudge of Gamepolitics with a hitpiece

>Notable quote: "Among them are Loot Drop's Elizabeth Sampat, writer Leigh Alexander, Destructoid's Jim Sterling, Wired contributor Rachel Edidin, and many, many others."


>Alexander Bevier of IGDA hitpiece on PAX


>Alexander Bevier on a #GG tagjacking


>Melissa McEwan backs the anon blogger shitting on PA


>Melissa McEwan shitting on #GG


>Polygon hitpiece on Penny Arcade by L. Rhodes

His website:

Notable: Wrote/writes for Polygon, Medium, and The Daily Dot


>Rhodes wrote two pieces on GamerGate


> did a hitpiece later


>Damien Schubert plays "good cop"


>Luke Plunkett of Kotaku chimes in (bonus for dragging in Cards Against Humanity)


>Luke Plunkett on the PAX 'Diversity Lounges' in the aftermath


>Patricia Hernandez wrote two pieces, one benign and one critical


>Leigh Alexander shits on the Diversity Lounge as not enough


>Kris Ligman (a new face) pimps Gone Home, shits on PAX at Gamasutra

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 1, 2016, 10:17 p.m. No.323205   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Bitmob" is actually the games site owned by Dan Hsu.

Hsu called #GG "a lot of manufactured drama"

Hsu left games media and took a parting shot at #GG

And he now works at Sony Computer Entertainment America, one of the few advertisers to never pull out of Kotaku after OP: DISNOD.

His specialty? Indie and third party game relations.


Hsu also wrote the foreward to the Videogame Style Guide that was written by Kyle Orland and other journos and DiGRA members.


>Author "Bitmob" (contributed by Dan Hsu's company) on Venturebeat (who later acquired Bitmob) with several interesting pieces.

Shitting on PAX

Pimping FEZ

Gaming needs to Grow Up

Fighting Sexism with Fire (cites Maddy Myers also)


>Bitmob PAX article also links to a gaming site called "Leviathyn" with some interesting articles

"Patriarchy in Gaming and Anita Sarkeesian" by Austin Small in Dec. 2014

They did a podcast about #GG


>Austin Small on "Are Videogames Art Yet?"


>Austin Small on "Subliminal projection and programming behaviour" in gaming


>Elizabeth Sampat with a hitpiece, cited by Scott Madin


>Who is Elizabeth Sampat?

>She was on the IGDA Women In Games steering committee for two years; Marie Claire called her "The Game Changer" when they named her one of "20 Women Changing The Ratio" in male-dominated industries.

>Elizabeth's personal work has been in the LA Times and on Rock Paper Shotgun, and her advocacy and talks have been covered on Polygon, Kotaku, The Escapist, and more.




>L Rhodes was shitting on #GG just the day before this thread began.




>Alexander Bevier became a contributor to Extra Credits in 2012


>Extra Credits on #GG [NOT previously archived]


>Courtney on "Surviving Gamergate"

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 1, 2016, 11:44 p.m. No.323209   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Leaves the entire site behind

>Still can't stand anyone doing anything without him

>Comes back for attention


There's only room in my life for one tsundere, and you ain't it. Contribute or fuck off.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 12:13 a.m. No.323213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There's more than one mod, you know. I could tell him to stop, but since you're here to literally troll a digging thread, I'm content to let him bully you.


In fact…

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 12:22 a.m. No.323216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is especially timely, considering webcomic hacks like Scott Kurtz (pic related) and Jeff Jaques are currently being triggered by Frank Cho's cover of Cammy → Spider Woman → Spiderman for Udon.


One important element is: the forums for each respective webcomic; as these were the primary attack-vector for the SJWs to get close to the artists in order to get them to drink the SOCJUST Koolaide. Especially 2005 onward.


Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 12:29 a.m. No.323220   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Holy fuck seriously? I wonder how many of them are this guy posting on VPN because he keeps having to switch it.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 1:03 a.m. No.323228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can we focus please?


>What would be handy


Basically just pick any of our journo Rogue's gallery and type their name into Google alongside "Dickwolf" "Penny Arcade" or "Dickwolves" and see what was going on.


You can also cross-reference the names given for media people in that Timeline link at the top of post#2 and Google them alongside "Gamergate" and see what you get. Once we know who was relevant and who isn't, i.e. who was both at PA's throat and also slandered #GG, we can start looking for connections.


Remember, this was years ago. The makeup of the clique has probably changed between then and now. We might just run into a gold mine of intel.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 5:49 a.m. No.323242   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>One important element is: the forums for each respective webcomic; as these were the primary attack-vector for the SJWs to get close to the artists in order to get them to drink the SOCJUST Koolaide. Especially 2005 onward.


I disagree, because I know for a fact that Penny Arcade actively ignores their official forums. I know from being banned three times for posting bald edits over the course of six months, and being constantly admonished by mods for bald editing despite all other edits being allowed and it being a dedicated thread on the forums for every new comic at the time.


I don't know about Scott Kurtz, I assume he would be hungry from attention and would read his own. Seems too much like Buckley.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 6:10 a.m. No.323246   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Amanda Marcotte

I can't seem to find anything recent from Amanda involving penny arcade,i do see alot of murica election related politics on her feed and her most recent article or whatever she calls it

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 6:44 a.m. No.323248   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also look into how some of these affected gaming sites around the era, since publications were dying and funnelling to San Francisco during the 2010 period. It's when editors and writers got more and more roped into the SJWness if not hiding it better beforehand.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 8:13 a.m. No.323251   🗄️.is 🔗kun!s88yQQzZ!hC-YVOEwUlnpRny-Qeh6LpgRXEQ4W0RVjxG_j2reY2U


There's Holiday Anon's most recent archive.

I didn't find anything in there myself that's relevant beyond what the aGGs we know about have done before/after.

Maybe some fresh eyes will see something.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 2:50 p.m. No.323263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another update posted.


Searching for hitpieces on Penny Arcade written around that timeframe would be good too.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 4:45 p.m. No.323266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I disagree, because I know for a fact that Penny Arcade actively ignores their official forums.

The fat one and the bald one are EXCEPTIONS on not reading their forum (because they pay someone to do that for them, plus they have volunteer moderators to ban wrongthink), because Kurtz, Jachques, Willis, Buckley and the rest of the SOCJUST webcomic circle jerk LOVE getting their asshole licked by fans for their mediocre art and Doubleplusgoodthink on their respective comics' forums.


I watched the webcomic's rise, plateau, then slide into SOCJUST mediocrity in real time, but it didn't happen in a vacuum; the web was a different place back then, there wasn't social media platforms, save MySpace and LiveJournal, and Images boards were still new (but fun cesspits of unregulated speech), the best place for artists then to get feedback were web forums.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 6:36 p.m. No.323268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Acid, just delete the damned revoltfag posts arguing with you about off-topic bullshit. I'm tired of hearing these assholes already.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 7:47 p.m. No.323272   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Aye, I think this has been derailed about enough. I let him say his piece, and sure enough he's gloating about it back over there. Good faith = 0.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 8:35 p.m. No.323274   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It's on topic because it taints it knowing that it's coming from him, and if he was just "one of us" he would be anon on here.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 9:24 p.m. No.323280   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Its fine, if they want to dig, let them dig. The more eyes the better.


Just try and keep the thread on topic.


2 more updates just added. Dan Hsu, formerly of EGM, had ties to this and works for Sony now.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 2, 2016, 11:25 p.m. No.323291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alright, so a WHOLE LOT OF SHIT is getting revealed right now.


Predating GamerGate there used to be a Games Media Watchdog site called Originally named


The URL has been suspended since before #GG.


The last Editor in Chief was David Gornoski.


The site originally had Kyle Orland as it's Editor in Chief back in 2005.


Among its contributors was Dan "shoe" Hsu, before he fell to the Dark Side and was a hard charger for better ethics in the games media.


I had never heard of the site before this, but let's go deep.


>VGMW was a proper watchdog, even outing a major conflict of interest between IGN and Nintendo.


> has been able to confirm that IGN Nintendo editor Matt Casamassina is married to Golin Harris Vice President Edie Kissko. Golin Harris serves as Nintendo’s PR firm. Sources connected with both Golin Harris and were able to validate this information. While VGMWatch has no interest in personal affairs, undisclosed conflicts of interest plaguing the game industry’s integrity cannot be ignored. To that end, there are several journalistic red flags surrounding the facts of this case.


Then in 2007, Gornoski, who was the site's actual owner, replaced Orland as EIC. Gornoski is a capital-L Libertarian, capitalist, and political activist who used to write for WorldNetDaily years ago.


VGMW would shortly after find itself in hot water with the rest of the games media, especially from


You might recall that GSW are a partner site to:





Oh yes. Vox Media had problems with a major games media industry watchdog site ran by an ex-journo Libertarian.


VGMW received heavy criticism from the industry over a plagiarism row from a VGMW contributor named Jim Webb, who was accused of taking content from Eurogamer for an article. GSW writers didn't even want the site linked on their other forums.


to be continued


Personal reminder edit: GJP officially began in September of 2010.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 7:03 a.m. No.323302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good luck getting the SJWs out of Penny Arcade. It's an open secret that Jerry/Tycho is bisexual and has been since high school.


You may have noticed that it's always Mike/Gabe who really stands up for the stuff PA does that offends SJWs, while Jerry sits by. That's because Jerry basically is an SJW who happens to have struck gold in a partnership with a normal person.


If you want to try and free Mike from Jerry's influence, he'll speak his mind more often and quit apologizing for calling things how they are, but there's no way to do that without splitting up PA.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 7:51 a.m. No.323306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Dan Hsu, formerly of EGM, had ties to this and works for Sony now.

Doing what for Sony? Sr Mgr Partner Alliance




Partner Alliances Manager, Publisher Relations

Job description

The Third Party Relations team at SCEA is responsible for every facet of the relationship between PlayStation and its Publisher and Developer partners in the US, Canada and LATAM. The Partner Alliance team, a division within Third Party Relations, manages all marketing efforts against promoting our partners games and content. The Partner Alliance team mission is to provide best in class marketing solutions that raise exposure and awareness for our partners content by leveraging the power of Sony’s ecosystem resulting in increased purchase intent and mind share for our partner’s content and the PlayStation platform. The team services over 200 accounts across publisher and developer relations delivering over $700MM+ in marketing value to our partners.


The Partner Alliance Manager, Publisher Relations will own several top tier publisher accounts and lead all marketing strategy, planning, and execution for those key accounts. Working side-by-side with the publisher account teams, the Partner Alliances Manager is the subject matter expert on all marketing initiatives for SCEA.


•Own all day-to-day marketing initiatives for 30+ game launches a year across all assigned accounts. Assigned accounts include a minimum of two top-tier, five mid-tier, and five low-tier accounts each with a portfolio of one to fifteen game releases each year.

•Manage the relationship between the Publisher Relations group with all internal global marketing stakeholders to ensure that accounts are properly leveraged to enforce overall brand goals while also clearly articulating the value of the marketing support provided to publishers.


cutting it short to qualifications:

•Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required. Must be able to work effectively and professionally in internal cross-functional groups, and outside entities. Must be decisive yet tactful, driven yet considerate. Must excel with follow up, be proactive, and consistent, must execute targeted communication.

•Requires proficiency in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Adobe suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat. Quicktime & Windows Media. Familiarity with using web-based applications including FTP sites.

•At least 7+ years in a similar marketing capacity. A passion for console gaming and/or working in the video game industry is required.


Further Hsu reading:


Personal Analysis: Shoe successfully transitioned from EGM reviewer (when it was cool) to Editor-In-Chief, off to digital space when it was clear digital media was going to kill print periodicals, finally into a major console position at Sony: the endgame for all would-be fanboys. He displays remarkable awareness and flexibility, and strong self-preservation instincts. Attempted to battle conflicts of interest early in his career, but did so in a non-committed way that earned him backlash for his limp-wristed ethics. Upton Sinclair, he wasn't. Apparently he ran into Penny Arcade in 2005, where they lampooned him for a puff-piece he did with a Microsoft bigwig on the XBox 360, so he may have had a grudge against them when it came time to strike back over Dickwolves in 2010.


I propose that Dan Hsu had SJW tendencies before it was codified, and readily embraced it when failing to maintain strong ethics despite seemingly good intentions. Was further pushed into their corner by PA, hence choosing sides before lines were ever drawn.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 7:55 a.m. No.323307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here's the comic in question:


>Following the launch of the Microsoft Xbox 360 in November 2005, Hsu interviewed Peter Moore, then the head of marketing for the Home and Entertainment division of Microsoft.[9] At the time of the interview, there was much negative publicity in the media regarding technical problems with the system, as well as some complaints of the limited software line-up at launch within the gaming community. Much of the interview focused on these issues, as well as other various complaints by some gamers over limited backwards compatibility with original Xbox games on the 360 and a possible lack of improvement in graphics and game play over previous console generations. Hsu's questioning were viewed as inappropriately rude, confrontational, or aggressive by some readers. This reaction caused Hsu to defend the interview in his blog twice; the first time[10] saying that there had been much positive response to the interview as well, and a second time[11] featuring an e-mail of support from Moore following the backlash. Third-party observer Penny Arcade noted in a satirical webcomic strip[12] that the interview was a necessary departure from the easy-going tendency of most gaming journalists.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 8:04 a.m. No.323308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interpreting this is a little tough; Penny Arcade used to be hard-hitting, no-holds-barred commentary on the industry, because they didn't have a dozen employees or fundraisers holding them emotionally hostage from saying wrongthink. It's clear they did not think highly of game journalists even back then, so it looks like they're praising Hsu for being critical of the XBawks in the 2006 comic interview. Still, the Microsoft employee is dismissive and still shilling it up regardless of Hsu's tone, and his readers felt he was too negative of the Xbawks, to the point of him needing to publicly defend it twice.


I'm not sure if Hsu would have been offended by this comic or not. I'm leaning towards offended, simply because critics talking about other critics generally hurts feelings. Usually the guy with the last word in(Penny Arcade in this scenario) would be unhurt. Hsu's meteoric rise across his career coupled with drinking the easy-path SocJus Kool-Aid the past public insult probably triple-motivated him to strike back with passion on the Dickwolves issue.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 8:40 a.m. No.323310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was fucking around on Youtube and stumbled across this which I found interesting.


It's a video from three years ago where Gabe and Tycho shit on Kotaku and discuss the PC scolds. If I hadn't known the game being referenced and didn't check the date the conversation they're having may as well have taken place yesterday.


It's not directly related to the digging OP here, but it's interesting to hear them speak about this.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 10:42 a.m. No.323313   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Good luck getting the SJWs out of Penny Arcade


Penny Arcade jumped the shark 15 years ago when fruitcakes like batjew started prancing around. The shift from PA being a reflection of gaming culture to manipulating gaming culture actually began in the late 90's.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 3, 2016, 5:43 p.m. No.323319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wait, what? I know they're far from instigating and hard hitting as they were years ago, due to muh employees, but I could've sworn Tycho made a long ass post about how worthless game journos are, and how he pretty much unbookmark'd all of them in favor of /r/gaming, which he asserted is where they get their 'news' posts from anyways. Didn't they even get blacklisted from Shitaku a few months back because they scorned their practice of being scummy with inside leaks, and the guy over at that site that used to post their comics got extremely asshurt about it because they got called out on being twats about publishing info solely for easy clicks and drama?


I'm reading >>323202 and honestly this just seems like an appeal to sensibility and telling us more of the same that we already know- current media sucks, go make our own, shitposting negates real things we have to say, the usual normie speak.


Just kinda confused, s'all. It seems like they mostly agree with us and I think you might be missing out on some decent (albeit occasional) stuff here, Acid Man. Sure, it's a minus on their part that they think internet threats are ever to be taken seriously, but aside from that, they still haven't gone full 'tard like a good number of other webcomics on this subject, even echoing what we already know to be true.


Pardon, I can't find the second newspost about the unbookmarking. If there's anything that is definitely shit about PA, it's their search system.


Would somebody fix these fucking boards already? It's been a bitch to post anything for the past week, even moreso than usual.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 4, 2016, 6:36 a.m. No.323327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I know they're far from instigating and hard hitting as they were years ago, due to muh employees


If the business model is so fragile and the culture so toxic that truth can not be spoken, then the PA crew needs to go find real jobs.


They should have been instantly and loudly on the side of GG the day 5 guys hit the radar. Half-hearted, veiled "support" months after the fact is useless.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 4, 2016, 8:06 p.m. No.323349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minor update:


It looks like VGMWatch went down, with its domain first camped by an Online Pharmacy site, sometime right around January 24th of 2012.


The last updates to the site were from October 28, 2011. It was seemingly abandoned without notice to readers.


Taking a look at the site at the end of 2010, after GJP had come into being, you could almost swear it was a #GG operation.


Not the kind of thing the clique would want hanging around.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 4, 2016, 9:12 p.m. No.323353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Concerning who wrote the anonymous shakesville blogpost that started Dickwolves.


Doing some more digging, I started searching for uncommon phrases or sentence structure from the original blogpost to see if any matched up with a possible candidate for the author.


If you look at the timeline, the first people involved in the Dickwolves incident were:


August 12, 2010 - A guest blogger on Shakesville objects.


August 13, 2010

Penny Arcade’s response to the concerns of rape survivors and their allies with the comic ”Breaking It Down.“ Jerry and Mike further explain their response on the Penny Arcade blog.


Shakesville objects


Mike, responding in Shakesville’s comments, posts links to bestiality and pedophilia jokes in Penny Arcade comics. When other commenters object, he responds with sarcasm.


TheFremen objects, and auctions off his Penny Arcade merch on eBay, donating the proceeds to charity.


Over Entertained comments.


August 14, 2010 - Geek Feminism Blog objects.


August 15, 2010 - Amanda Marcotte objects.


August 16, 2010

Dan Bruno objects.

GamePolitics comments.

A Boston Phoenix article (Maddy Myers) on the subject.


Looking into those people, only one comes back with a match for phrasing with the original article.


The line for "Shakesville Objects" was actually linked to one of the Shakesville admins, Melissa McEwan. When searching various phrases I didn't get anywhere near the names on that list until I hit one: "I am a humorless feminist"


Which got me this hit:


"Humorless feminist" was a common term at the time, mainly in the UK. However a feminist calling themselves that was less common, we immediately got a result that predates the Dickwolves blogpost by a few months, and it is directly attributable to one of the first people to get involved in the controversy.


Did Melissa McEwan ghostwrite the "Guest Blog" by Milli Shaker A? And then feel compelled to defend "the author" when Penny Arcade didn't properly prostrate themselves?


She seems to have a serious problem with rape jokes if you look at past articles she had written:


Her linking style is also similar to the anon blogger.


It remains plausible that it could have been some friend or acquaintance of hers who wrote it, but she certainly seemed to be in a hurry - the exchange was brisk, with not even a day apart between the guest blog, PA's initial response, and McEwan's reply. It's worth noting that McEwan is the admin of the Shakesville site.


And looks like pic related.


McEwan also has a bit of a sordid history, coming across as a Methwhale-esque character if her detractors are anything to go by:


>I can’t speak for why everyone else is here,of course. But the reason I’m here is simple: McEwan, Mardoll, Deeky, and the rest of the Shakesville staff hurt people. Some of the people here are people that they have hurt, former commenters, contributors, even moderators. Other people here weren’t directly hurt by them, but care about those that were.


It also seems that in 2010 the Shakesville site was going through money troubles, with McEwan on a bit of a power trip.


>There’s more drama going on at Shakesville. It doesn’t seem like that blog is going to survive long in its current format. That format would be the “community we cherish” format. That format is doomed to failure because online communities are by definition dysfunctional.


>If you read the threads linked in the comment I linked to, and if you have been following many of the ridiculous McEwan flounces over not getting enough money from blog-readers, and other conniption fits and the ensuing apologies, and the slams on regular commenters over minor infractions and the constant language policing, and the self-shaming and the worship at the altar of McEwan, and blah blah blah, you know what I’m talking about – it’s a madhouse.''

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 4, 2016, 10:05 p.m. No.323355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Potential Connections


>Scott Madin


Just stumbled onto a literal Fedoralord who cites Maddy Myers and Amanda Marcott, the first two journos to jump on Dickwolves, as "friends" while also citing McEwan in a blogpiece from 2013.


He shat on PA over the Dickwolves in 2011.


One thing that was pointed out to me was that the Shakesville author seemed to have a good working knowledge of Penny Arcade, and wrote with a masculine tone. Someone more experienced than I am with digging this stuff suspected the author to be a male betanodder with lots of knowledge about Penny Arcade and connections to the people who covered it, especially Maddy Myers.


The Fedora had something to say:


>I’ve been a Penny Arcade reader for over a decade (and yes, that means I’ve passed over a lot of problematic material without comment in that time, for various reasons; that’s not something I’m proud of), I attended and enjoyed PAX East last year, I’m a huge fan of their charity work, and I’ve offered praise for Tycho’s relatively thoughtful engagement with difficult issues in the past. So I would like to believe — and I do have some hope — that they will follow up appropriately on this, educate themselves on rape culture, and react more thoughtfully to criticism in the future. I don’t know how likely it is, but I’d like to believe it. (I mean, while we’re at it, I’d also like for Gearbox to have left Duke Nukem Forever to rot, so…)


Here he thanks Maddy Myers for her hitpiece in the Boston Phoenix. Note: Madin LIVES in Boston.


Other pieces he did on PAX and Dickwolves:

Notable quote: "I’m still friends with a number of people who regularly attend PAX, some of whom are indie devs who exhibit there."


Edit: His blog content is also cross-posted to Shakesville. Look at the bottom of archive xL5Le. That means he's familiar with their site and its formatting.




Connections with Maddy Myers




Buys her music


191 conversations on Klear social media


The #1 person Maddy Myers talked to.


He's a FemFreq backer. She is as well:


Both are connected to Patrick Lindsey


Note: Madin joined Twitter in December 2010.


An author at The Border House along with out old friends Samantha Allen and Mattie Brice.


He has a nice chat with McEwan back in 2013


He's close with Patrick Lindsey, co writer of Depression Quest and talks with David Gallant.






Also both lists are a cavalcade of cancer. Lots of journos, tech writers, indie devs, feminists and trannies. Everyone from Leigh Alexander to Alex Lipshitz is in there.


And, surprising no one, he's a major aGGro.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 5, 2016, 12:45 p.m. No.323375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Scott Madin

2013 Depression Quest (Video Game) (special thanks)


Scott Madin was one of the people who took down Tentacle Bento. This blog credits him for first raising the alarm about it.


g+ page


worked for Cecropia, "The Personality Video Game Company", which produced a game called The Act.


The Act sucked its own dick pretending that Dragon's Lair was a new thing in 2007 and that flash animations were a new thing. The marketing was very similar to that of the modern "art games" that have no gameplay: "Let's do what Newgrounds did ten years ago, claim that we did it first, and say it's the best thing ever and everything else is shit." They at least tried to make it look good.

The game had a huge development team.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 5, 2016, 12:48 p.m. No.323377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cecropia founder Omar Khudari was co-founder of Ibtikar Venture Partners which invested in Middle Eastern startups


Ibtikar had an "involuntary dissolution by court order"


Amal Alayan of MIT

Co-Founder and Managing Member, Ibtikar Venture Partners, LLC

Board Member, AMIDEAST Inc


AMIDEAST looks like a private CIA. Funded by Saudi Aramco, Lockheed Martin, an oil company, Qatar, and an Arab Shaikh.


MIT’s Arab Students’ Organization went to terrorist-occupied East Jerusalem and told the youths there who have been raised on terrorist propaganda since Oslo to apply to American universities to "take your culture to the leaders of tomorrow" and "change the image of Palestine in America." Amal Alayan hosted the event.

Acid Man ID: 65e787 May 7, 2016, 10:33 p.m. No.323474   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Currently re-digging what happened with EDGE magazine back at the start of #GG.


>A KIA thread on it from a year ago with some archives:


>A digging thread from original /gg/


A point that got brought up is that Dickwolves went down only shortly before GJP came into being, yet the major players all seemed to be connected. A question was raised about some sort of proto-GJP that may have existed at that time. The earliest connections among the clique that we know of came from EDGE magazine back in the 1990s. Leigh Alexander and many other names, some familiar and some not, once tried to push the "gamers need to die" idea and general SJW-ish "modern art" interpretations of games.


Then one day EDGE cleaned house and gave many of the faggots their pink slips. Is it reasonable that they may have kept in contact with their ideological circle, even as they gained employment at other places like Gamasutra, The New Yorker, and The Guardian? And that this sowed the seeds of an informal network of journos that would later come to fuck over Penny Arcade before finally being "officially" incorporated by Kyle Orland as the GameJournoPros?


Personal tinfoil moment: Was the runner's high they got off their victory against Gabe and Tycho what gave them the confidence to actually consolidate themselves into an organization and deliberately work together to push their SJW agenda? Because Dickwolves made them believe they could get away with it?


I'm not saying it was journos, but it was journos.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 7, 2016, 10:41 p.m. No.323475   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> EDGE Magazine is where Leigh Alexander and her boss (Simon Carless) came from before working at Gamasutra.


Firing of Tim Langdell


In 2009, the IGDA fired board member Tim Langdell of defunct studio Edge Games for threatening to sue any developer whose game had the word "Edge" in the title, such as Electronic Arts and its game Mirror's Edge.

Andy Chalk, Tim Langdell Loses IGDA Membership, The Escapist forum post,

KPexEA, Tim Langdell & the IGDA, Slashdot submission, 2009,


Langdell claimed that Edge Magazine publisher Future Publishing had ordered Langdell to pursue these claims under the terms of a previous trademark sharing agreement.



Edge Magazine had anti-gamer articles in 2003:

  • April 2002 cover story: Videogames are pointless. Discuss. Why academics and the mass media see you as a silly child playing silly games.

  • April 2003 cover story: Bored to death of videogames? Gaming reaches its mid-life crisis.

  • January 2004 cover story Mainstream: Why the days of hardcore gamers are numbered.


Persons allegedly involved:

  • Keith Stewart (Dec 1995 - Aug 2005) - Contributor to [[The Guardian]]

  • Jon Jordan (Feb 1998 - Dec 2007) - Editor-at-large of [[Pocket Gamer]]

  • Kieron Gillen (Mar 2002 - Mar 2007) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]

  • Simon Parkin (Jan 2003 - Dec 2007) - Wrote an anti-GG article for [[The New Yorker]]

  • Jin Rossignol (2003-2005) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]

  • John Walker (Sep 2003 - Dec 2006) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]

  • Tim Edwards (Jan 2004 - Mar 2007) - Owner of [[PCGamesN]]

  • Brandon Boyer (June 2004 - Dec 2006) - Chairman of [[Indie Game Fund]]

  • John Hicks (Jun 2006 - May 2007) - Former editor-in-chief of [[Xbox Magazine (UK)]]

  • Ste Curran - Co-owner of [[Agency for Games]]

  • Leigh Alexander - columnist (2011-present) when her politics did a 180

  • Matthew Devereux - edge writer (2006-2007) also wrote a 2008 CSMonitor article The Moral Cost of Video Games decrying violence in video games

This is according to a dead image, not confirmed


The only name match to this thread is Leigh Alexander.

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 9, 2016, 1:33 a.m. No.323520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"gamers need to die" idea and general SJW-ish "modern art" interpretations of games.


Tangential to the thread's purpose, but someone said "games as art" bullshit so I fel compeled to re-re-repost the "Banishment of Beauty" playlist for those who haven't watched it yet, because it's important to understand why we fight, because this has happened before to "fine art":



Watch the playlist, it's an hour long, but it's split into four easily-digestible 15-minute chunks. It shows what happened when "fine art" was defiled into "modern art", could happen to videogames, if we let it.

It's important to understand when some progressive pretentious goony-beareded rainbowed-haired SanFran-stereotypical hipster faggot says that "games must be like art" and "have to grow up"; what he's actually saying by "art" he means "shit smeared on a canvas MODERN art" and by "grown up" he means "fun extracted to make room for a (progressive) message".


"Modern Art" is art that isn't beautiful


"Videogame Art" is games that aren't fun

Veteran Leader of GamerGate ID: 65e787 May 9, 2016, 6:42 a.m. No.323532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


poke Usher on this, not sure when he joined the list, but your scenario outlined in this post might strike a chord with him

Veteran Leader ID: 65e787 July 12, 2016, 2:31 p.m. No.325789   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>poke Usher on this, not sure when he joined the list, but your scenario outlined in this post might strike a chord with him


Any updates on this?

President Elect ID: 65e787 Jan. 11, 2017, 4:29 a.m. No.329486   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If this is the dickwolf thread you're referring to during the /v/ thread. Here's the archived /v/ thread that may or may not contain duplicate digging you posted there. I'm just posting it here just in case. I've also posted it in the ESRBusted thread when I didn't find this thread. Either way here you go.

Archived link from gamergate + nys thread over at /v/ on january/09/2017, containing info regarding the colluding clique and christine love.


President Elect ID: 65e787 Jan. 11, 2017, 8:25 p.m. No.329506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What, no mention about the rumors one of the PA guys (the bald one, I think) was banging some of their groupies, and their folding over to the proto-SJWs was due to this being used as blackmail material?

President Elect ID: 65e787 Jan. 13, 2017, 11:15 a.m. No.329521   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Beautiful work, Acid.

Vaguely reminiscent of that "Emoji Analysis" joke on South Park, not that it makes it any less valid/useful. This is an excellent tool in the fight against journalistic sock-puppeting.