Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 7, 2017, 3:01 a.m. No.331022   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Since this thread is for online censorship, I figured here would be good to post it.




Short version is the guy lays out how Google, Facebook, and Twitter are censoring- and focusing on Google/Youtube since they are using two new tactics:

  • "Limited State". This tactics is done publicly. If a video doesn't violate the TOS, yet Youtube/Google feels it is still promoting their definition of hate speech- they'll take it down. The same applies to accounts. A major right wing figure recently had his youtube channel shut down with no email explaining why (like in all other cases).

Rather than outright say "We reserve the right to remove a video for any reason"- which you'd expect any company would do to save their asses- they say "We reserve the right to remove a video that offends you." And by you- they mean SJWs and Left-leaning companies looking to advertise.


  • "Un-personing". This tactic is done in secret. Comments vanish quickly- almost within minutes. This is used to censor positive feedback, and leave the comment section of a video toxic, uninformative, or only with comments against the creator of the video. You can see this on Twitter with Trump's twitter account before and after election. Before the election the replies are mixed, after and only the hateful (but not logical) tweets are at the top. Good luck finding any positive comments in direct reply.


As he says in the video; the end goal being that while you can send problematic information to all people who already believe it- how do you convert new people who are blocked from seeing it? Generation Z is being hailed as becoming very conservative, but how long will that last when they can't another voice in the room presenting the other side of cases and information?

(((They))) know the power of the internet- and want to try censorship without calling it censorship. Not even "Pay no attention to the bigot behind the curtain"- just outright denial of ideals, beliefs, and evidence existing.

Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 7, 2017, 3:23 a.m. No.331023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unfortunately, Metokur does exactly what Sarkessian does; presents the problem and doesn't attempt to even propose a solution. We certainly need to think of something effective and spread it to those against this (right wing, etc):


  • Platform Attack and Alternative Promotion (PAAP):

Deride, Demote, and Destroy the reputation of "The Big 5" (Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit). Keep pointing out it's flaws to your peers (online and in real life), and promote other platforms.

There are plenty of other video hosting sites that get no traffic (VidMe, WebmLand, SuperNerdLand etc). We don't need to champion one alternative to Youtube. In fact if we can divide it up, it's better as if it is targeted for a buyout/manipulation/DDOS then people can quickly hop to an alternative. Don't put the eggs all in one basket, and encourage competition between several video websites. As this gets bigger, advertisers will go to those websites, giving them more money allowing them to compete better with more features. We just need to make sure as these websites grow that nothing goes wrong.

Twitter's alternative is Minds, and Voat for Reddit.

Google is more of an issue. Startpage uses Google's results. Bing is fucking useless and owned by Microsoft- so it's the same deal. Metokur proposes a chinese search engine (since while they'll censor shit involving porn and China, they'll happily show Americans being fuck ups).

Facebook is a trickier kettle of fish. It's used to communicate with friends- though in today's age there is no reason people can't just text or use other messaging platforms (I can only think of WhatsApp and I think they are pozzed. Can't remember). However, it's also used to feel good. To stroke the ego and have a celeb lifestyle (though this can also be said of Twitter). How do you have a platform where you make the user base "feel good" when you also want it to be able to show info where shit is fucked? Of course I'm not talking about converting a basic bitch or a jock- but we still need all hands to the pumps.


  • Financial Attack and Alternative Shilling (FAAS):

We DisNod the Big 5.

This one is difficult. However, with how many advertisers pulled out quietly in DisNod Ops, it has more power then we realize.

The Big became more pozzed overtime partly due to emails and complaints of SJWs being offended. We know they are the minority, but as we saw with DisNod on Gaming outlets- 100 emails makes companies feel like there are many more who are about to drop them and just didn't take the time to complain (How many people actually offer feedback nowadays? If you take time to praise, you must really love/loathe what they did).

So, you email companies showing your disgust at what one of the Big 5 are doing. The difficult part is doing it without being too political. "The marxists are controlling the internet" will be ignored. "I don't trust Google/etc as they have removed content that was not harmful." is much better. You don't care what was taken down, it was the fact it was taken down on flimsy reasoning.

One guy emails like that- who cares.

One hundred - that's more of a concern.

One thousand - assuming we can get non-GamerGate but right wing people involved - and you'll have companies pulling out.

An attack on the wallet combined with an attack on the brand while promoting new brands can be devastating. It would need to be constant however- not just a month long thing. It definitely needs to be combined with monthly/weekly email goals (Focusing on one advertiser over one of the big 4 per month/week creating a bigger glut of complaints rather than a steady stream which is easier to wave away).

Now if saying you hate something can get a company to pull - why shouldn't saying you like something get them to work with them? Though rarely done (and something that should be done for the better gaming outlets IMO), telling a brand you like something else is what they want to hear. If you've emailed them, you must be a loyal customer right? And their fancy charts tell them that loyal customers must be a particular demographic. So you telling them you like X platform must mean more people of that demographic are using it as well.

The only risk is coming across like a shill (i.e. like that platform paid you off to pretend to be Joe-public) rather than someone who likes the brand. With many emails from different people written in different ways however, this risk should be mitigated.

Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 7, 2017, 3:23 a.m. No.331024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  • Informing Allies and Discussing Plans (IADP):

Many antiSJW/Marxist/globalist are speaking out. Some just a single user who spread what others say, some are big E-Celebs in online political discussion who get a lot of attention. Thanks to the election we know they are the majority- and they can reason their arguments better than SJW. One side is intelligent, the other isn't. However, this intelligence is only useful if it is informed. You can't fight back if you don't know how your enemy is fighting you.

So inform those figures of the new censorship tactics mention in the video, and let them know of some of the above ideas. The rallying cry of them saying "look what they're doing" is enough to cause the Big 5 panic as they are caught out- not to mention it helps the first half of PAAP without even needing to ask them. But combine that with them encouraging others to do the above, or proposing even more ways to fight back, and you have an amoeba that can adapt to any method of attack and self-preservation.

Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 8, 2017, 3:55 p.m. No.331029   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Plan from twitter.

Short version: upload shit to their servers to clog it up and use Adblock on Jewtube.


The latter everyone already does. The former really needs everyone to do it to be effective.

Mitochondia Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 27, 2017, 3:59 p.m. No.331082   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Based on the above vid, I'd propose these ops:


  • Download videos from Youtube that are bound to be condemned/banned/blocked/blaclisted/etc.


  • DisNod major Youtubers to switch to other services (be polite, explain your grievances, tell them you're dropping off youtube). If you can fuck over advertisers from video game reviewers, we might just convert people.


  • Disnod Google they had to pay out to advertisers because of bots clicking on ads. There's a thing going around where you can do similar (AdNauseum). However, some anons think AdNauseum is a scam that steals your data. Maybe it's a shill, maybe it's true, maybe there are alternatives. Research, research, research.


  • Get people off Youtube, the guy lists a bunch of services at the end of his video. If someone bitches when a channel they like is taken down (and unless that channel is a screaming lefty or it has 1mil+ subs) then recommend an alternative. You should also do the same for Twitter and Facebook. Don't forget- memes trickle down to mainstream. Mock Google & Youtube.


  • Boycott Youtube. I know GG doesn't boycott games, because it leaves it to open to backfire. So we just don't publicly call for one, and in our own individual circles discuss the game's flaws frankly. Similar can be done with Youtube. If a guy uploading a vid of himself babbling can get demonetized, then that's stuff even normalfags (that aren't left leaning) will mock. It sort of rolls into the above. If someone has a personal website or uses other non-youtube video platforms- watch them there instead.

Likewise, stop using Youtube. Manually go into the channel of each user you like (and odds are that's the only way to see vids thanks to notifications), avoid being logged in, use true privacy measures like VPNs so Google cannot make data to sell to advertisers, or at the very least- use Adblock.


The only other thing to do is mass-flag videos to make the service unbearable.

On the one hand, I imagine SJW content is protected and personally looked over (if an SJW does get screwed, they're either too small and forgotten, or big enough to play the victim and get their consequences reversed). But perhaps a large enough amount of anons means something will slip through the cracks. Those same SJW videos get horrifically low ratings- so I think it's safe to say we are the majority. Now imagine those people who downvoted actually reported as well.

The alternative I'm really sketchy on. Mass-flaging normal people. We want to appeal to normal people, and avoid an "You're with us or against us" mindset. However, if (due to larger numbers) the death of Youtube was accelerated (content is mass flagged until even normal users leave) then it would cause more of a stir. Gamergate and Trump revealed the SJW for what they were before public opinion on them could be molded. Likewise, if a service like this dies quicker, people can actually talk about "What went wrong" rather than "it's always been like that". Another analogy would be the Simpsons. It's not been cancelled because of pedigree and merchandise, but if it had dropped from Season 8's ratings to Season 20's- Fox would have killed it.

tl;dr Accelerate what's happening to Youtube, but if people realize we're doing it- then SJW have a free pass to blame antiSJW for any dumb shit they do (on the grounds of a real event, rather than a fake one).


Please post this/summarize this in the latest breads when you see them.

Mitochondia Leader ID: 4b1b0a Aug. 29, 2017, 3:02 p.m. No.331098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BlackPigeon did something on Youtube.

MAJOR redpilling on a variety of topics (including how Youtube does jack-shit to ISIS vids while "problematic" but true analysis gets sandboxed, and some stuff about Europe).

Halfchan also gets the blame for what we are doing again. In light of Google paying back 6 billion to advertisers they scammed with fake traffic, and they are using Ad Nauseum (it generates fake clicks to scam advertisers and analytics with fake data. Why block when you can fuck them over).

Again, there is anons who say Ad Nauseum can't be trusted, but it could be a shill. Ask /tech/. AKA OP Goolag:



There's also an account dedicated to finding censored/sandboxed videos: https://twitter.com/censoredlist