Lich Lord of GamerGate ID: 9bd1b3 Nov. 6, 2017, 8:07 a.m. No.331338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Net Neutrality vote "near thanksgiving".


It's been said a bunch of times already, but it's a bad choice either way. Some people are suggesting that since major websites like Google and other "content creators" are running the net into the ground- that letting the Net Neutrality vote fail would be "Digitally Assured Destruction" (DAD- inspired by MAD- Mutually assured destruction).

There are several flaws IMO:

  • Losing the freedom and speed of the internet in any capacity is bad. Ignorance is the tool of our enemies. Truth (and the ability to spread it) is ours.

  • The ISPs may make deal with major companies so that they are minimally effected (The ISP doesn't want to go to war with Google- compared to working together so they can both make money. In other words the MAD makes them work alongside each other).

  • The ISPs may also aid in censorship. Unofficially throttling non-MSM news websites (which can easily be hand-waved by blaming the website for having poor servers), and making sure progressive content loads as quickly as possible. Imagine hearing about 8ch for the first time, but when you go to use it, it takes 5 or 10 mins to load a page, and a further 5 or 10 for each image or webm you click on. You're not gonna stick around.

  • Censorship makes it harder for us to organize and spread the truth. Along with much more serious /pol/ matters.

  • Google & Content Creators are a business, and can be fucked with by bad PR and DisNod. ISPs are more "faceless"- like your water company or electric company. Apart from bad prices, bad service, and poor customer service- they are much harder to mock and DisNod. We'd be trading away an enemy who has some marbles and is losing ground, for a new enemy that needs different tactics that we aren't used to.


The best solution would be a much simpler law (ISPs cannot offer tiers of service promising better internet speeds) that is then oversaw by the FTC- rather than all in the hands of the FCC or ISPs.

Google is shit scared of losing Net Neutrality (or maybe they're just acting nice for PR purposes), but I really do think DAD would be shooting ourselves in the foot.

Lich Lord of GamerGate ID: 9bd1b3 Nov. 9, 2017, 5:56 p.m. No.331346   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Search for them, and you can find people quoting/replying to tweets by them that don't exist.


We need to shill for them on Twitter now.

And keep RTing shit about Twitter and Google on there. It's what they did.

Lich Lord of GamerGate ID: 9bd1b3 Nov. 10, 2017, 8:43 a.m. No.331347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sargon made a video rebuking Existential Comics and their little comic defending anitfa, and youtube deleted it because the tags said it was funny and apparently it wasn't. Like he says in the video, it's a sign of the times. It seems the left won't sit idly by while it continues to lose.


The video was restored later:

Download And Share



This is still important.

Lich Lord of GamerGate ID: 9bd1b3 Nov. 19, 2017, 2:40 p.m. No.331385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


< Twitter will be using cookies to determine if you have gone to a site that they do not like and then ban you for it. [Pic 1 and 2] Twitter will not let you log in if you disable cookies. [Pic 3]


Basically using cookies (sites that have a tweet button, maybe more) if you have been on a "bad" website, you get banned.

Ideally this means they can cut off articles that they don't like (ban the author, ban the websites Twitter account, ban anyone who shares a link to it manually or visited the website).

It also gives them more ammo to ban problematic accounts. I.e. if you do shit on Facebook that would get you banned on Twitter- they'll do it.

Of course, with the sheer scale of users, it's bound to be an algorithm and it will overreach. Meanwhile, people who demand death to whites and republican politicians, actual terrorists, and pedo-sympathizers will be untouched.


The best retaliation (IMO)-

> Make sure all the people you're interested know about it. Actual people and not business/celeb accounts I mean.

> Shill for GAB. Get people on there like in the early days of the exodus where folk made posts luring anons to 8ch. Also, use GAB more often. The site is slow as dicks for me but it's better than the alternative. It's a bit of an echochamber I will admit (which means at least some of them must be fakes trying to troll or crack consensus), but that's why they need more discussion with real people. Not liberals.

> DisNod Twitter via their own platform. Twitter's stock exchange code is TWTR. So if you post "$TWTR" it acts like a hashtag for those who are following Twitter's stocks & shares. FILL IT with how pissed you are Twitter is censoring AND all the bullshit accounts they allow on there that should be banned under their own glorious rules.

> DisNod Twitter the old fashioned way. If you see a promoted Tweet or advert- email the company and show it next to the pedos, muslims, and left-wing psychopaths.

> If you haven't already, turn off all the personalization and data collection (though I imagine you would have already, or it doesn't do much).

==Don't click hyperlinks to Twitter. Always copy and paste. And always post Twitter links without the https or www.==

> That is how the tracking works (similar stuff Imgur and Reddit use to detect is someone is asking for upvotes via another site). I have no doubt 8ch is on their list. And if it's not, it will be when they see what sort of accounts come from there.

> Be prepared for a "slow purge". They could tear off the band-aid, or ban people in a trickle.

> Partake in any anti-Twitter stuff. There's a group of people looking to mass block Jack (the website's owner who has his own account) but I doubt it's effectiveness Mass reporting Jack or Twitter support might send up more attention, but only they see it and it's not public. IMO, help anti-Twitter stuff trend and get those groups to use $TWTR in their tweets.


This is not a flood, this is a crosspost from /v/, I hope it tricks the bot.

Lich Lord of GamerGate ID: 9bd1b3 Nov. 19, 2017, 4:22 p.m. No.331386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Post from /v/:

>Just when so many sjws are outed as sex offenders and etc

>Twitter starts this

<Surely just a coincidence

Gave me an idea. You could start memeing that Twitter are doing this to track & silence people who out Hollywood sexual assaults.

Throwing #MeToo combined with $TWTR with that implication is sure to cause some PR nightmares.