Remember this? CloudFlare Involved With UN-Affiliated Org’s Effort to Censor the Internet
Jac Sm Kee was a leader of that effort and is a member of Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action (CREA)
> Jac Sm Kee is Women's Rights Policy Coordinator for the Association of Progressive Communications
> Manal Salah … has been a consultant with CREA on the India - Palestine and Egypt Exchange
> Nancy Ali … helped coordinate, monitor and facilitate all project-related activities for CREA's India, Palestine and Egypt Exchange Program.
> Geetanjali Misra … was the Sexuality and Reproductive Health Program Officer at the Ford Foundation.
> Iris Derbsch, is a Director at Deutsche Bank
Deutche Bank's investors include China's HNA Group and Qatar, each with 3% to 10% ownership depending on the report.