For the summery:
Don't pin it down with what they are going to do, since they can deny. By saying they claim they want to do it, JapAnons can back it up with quotes and such. Then NoA/NoJ have to explain why they said it.
Other than that, it's perfect. The "trying to please everybody" is the better take then trying to explain an SJW IMO- though I'm happy to cecede on that point if "they're making it for SJW/Western SEALDs" hammers the point home more. Maybe even go the step farther and comparing it to Star Ocean 5?
But yeah, don't forget to add the URL (archive and original) into the top of the article and get a transator to help with that.
> I just read nipanon's sad circumstances in Japanese society. Least we can do is retain the purity of his hobby. For them and for us.
The fuck happened? Got a screencap?