Net Neutrality is dead, but technically it's always been with us:
>In 1946, the Supreme Court decided the case of Marsh v. Alabama, in which a Jehovah’s Witness was arrested for trespassing because she was distributing religious literature in Chickasaw, Alabama, a town that was wholly owned by the Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation. Marsh argued that because the town’s roads and sidewalks were the only means by which she could exercise her freedom of speech—and because the town of Chickasaw had been open to public use in all other respects—the trespassing arrest violated her rights under the First Amendment.
>In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh’s favor. Justice Hugo Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place. Black also argued that the more that private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to control or ban what people do on that property.
>Given that Google, Twitter, Apple, Facebook, and other edge providers are publicly-accessible entities that have deliberately pushed for monopoly control over the Internet, it’s clear that Marsh v. Alabama prohibits them from censoring right-wingers. The statute also applies to ISPs, since they wield a monopoly over Internet access. All it would take to shut down online censorship is a halfway-decent lawyer arguing that these left-wing Big Tech companies are literally violating the Constitution.
Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution, and ISPs would too if they throttle!
< Spreading the word
Using a tweet as an example (baring in mind you can also use GAB or Minds):
> Don't be clickbait, briefly explain why Net Neutrality was unnecessary by one of the points mentioned in the archive- in fact, include it as well.
> Tailor to your audience. Most of your followers Right Wing? Tell them how Google and Twitter are already breaking the constitution for silencing conservatives. Most of Your Audience like Net Neutrality? Explain how it's already in the Constitution!
> If you focus on one point- include a screencap where in the post it says it- and highlight it in the archive. This gives you a new URL that'll highlight the same area and scroll down for whoever clicks on it, like so: - include the original URL as well (
> Include #NetNeutrality because it's trending,and those into it will see it when searching as well.
> Post your tweet here to spread the info quicker via old-fashioned SignalBooster tactics.
You can also write to your senator! (Literally search "How do I contact my senator" or "How do I contact the senator of [state] and you'll find it.)
< TL;DR (more posts below but summarized here)
> Make Tweets, Infographs and the like to spread on social media.
> Write to your senator.
> Repackage the archive to manipulate leftists.
> Keep pushing.