> You don't control their evolution
This is an insufficient rebuttal that doesn't actually address any points made at all.
> The moment is right; the moment is RIGHT NOW!
I operate on my time table, not on the time table of a person who has confused this board to be an open source therapist instead of a place to discuss Gnostic Warfare.
Bad actor points awarded.
> If you delay any, you're just trying to find an angle.
If that wasn't entirely clear from the very moment I revealed the New Emotion problem months ago, then you hasn't done any homework at all. The angle is this: humanity endures by eliminating the possibility of being wiped out by a single global catastrophe.
It's been out there for months.
More bad actor points awarded.
> Use every weapon the instant it's picked up. Strike now.
You are an incompetent strategist.
Lots of more bad actor points, free of charge.
A warning: you are considered a bad actor on this board. The next time you post as a bad actor, I will edit all of your posts to make you appear to be an incredibly happy person who enjoys the vibrancy of life and, gosh darn it, wants to share it with the world.
I have never turned down criticism. I will not tolerate persistent and juvenile context-invariant nihilism that poorly hides your fear of being openly selfish.