Jim would not hand it over. It was taken at his behest and he would coopt it himself. The pattern is emerging. 2ch, 8ch, QR. He stole 2ch and stole the money to host it as a subcontractor. Literally a thief.
Back doors are important.
"In my home country of soviet russia we would have you committed and forgotten about for using wrongthought like โฆ ah, yes, having multiple backup communication methods. State chat only da comrade."
Whatever, commie.
No, court records in Japan show that he stole 1.5 million operating costs charged ahead of time, and he stole the website as well.
He's literally a thief, in Japan or not. There's no 'how businesses run' except running after they stole everything you had.
I don't get what numbers you're talking about.
You sure do like living your fantasy though, buck.
Your narrative is weak af. I wonder if thief Watkins if ready for the boom and if the BO/BV team is tired of sticking up for a Biden style thief.
You're literal retards. They were ahead of your bullshit narrative by more than 12 hours. You're literally reaching for a cogent thought in your fucking reddit cooperative /comms/ board.
You realize it was a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true, right? JUST ANOTHER WIN.
"Hey we need an offboard place to cooperate. I know, let's use /comms/!"
new QR BO: "Sounds great team, let's do what we're accused of doing the whole time. That'll show them they were wrrrโฆrrrโฆrrriighht?"
'no u' <- weak
You realize you just agreed that you're running a narrative right? You didn't refute it even a little bit.
10 billion "TYB posts", only a couple of actual progressโฆ
That would be a hell of an assassination, if an assassination.
smh. pages and pages.
Add 10,000,000 to the list of demands. See how this works, city?
"walk on eggshells, he'll abuse you less"
>But there is no anons left over there to convince
Incorrect. You are vastly underestimating who is watching, and preservation throughout time and revealing biases and motivations along with critical queries that go unanswered.
You're suggesting to do nothing because no one is there, but showing anons this is worth it despite even your claim being true.
What have they been saying the entire time? "You go away and be on your own board"
Why is it that they want that? Because being obstinate with truths is not welcome there. You do what you want to do, but I'm saying what I'm saying because they WANT you to self censor so they do not have to force a hand. They want you to participate in their activities, no matter what cover goal.
I understand you fine. I just refuse to be steered by anon. I get your motivations maybe, but I also think you haven't fully thought out why your tactic is exactly the same result as their proposed tactic. Why is that? I do what I do and you do what you do, and they can overlap or not, without any hints on what it is. Stop fishing for acceptance from me.
Do as you like, with whatever moral guidance you require to choose between Dark/Light. Question critically.
>would be immoral to watch Q Research be handed over to the very people that subverted it for years and not say anything.
Except Baruch motorcycle man from south africa was a retard who banned Q from posting because his misunderstanding of how hashes work led him to believe they were "getting close" to cracking his tripcode password so instead of doing the smart thing he just banned Q, and upon being confronted his argument morphed into the unprovable thesis of "Ron changed it no one can question me now" even despite the number of qproofs that have appeared afterward.
You mean subverted the board from THAT? Is THAT what you are referring to? You want to go back to Baruch?
Also, with regard to your moral query, yes I may judge an anon for not acting, or for providing harmful help. BUT that is my judgement. I won't say do not do it, but I sure will question and probe at it critically publically.
>It would be immoral to watch Q Research be handed over to the very people that subverted it for years and not say anything.
Sorry then, I misjudged the timeline here. So then you're talking about /comms/ bakers.
I see that now
Spread far and wide.
Jim claims no responsibility, which is proof that BO requested it of him and potentially that Jim is compromised in more ways than one.
Some offered to accept the liability that OSS didn't want to shoulder, but other alternatives exist as well. I'm sure many would like it, but if no one, of course good people would step up if allowed.
"There was a spam report, I didn't over think it, I deleted it. it was wergergsdfhsdgh -tards and the hivemind which is a board they keep put- hadfhadfhadfh -tive"
Overlap with 14 eyes countries, and NATO too?
What he's saying is his site is no longer free speech, just like every pozzed site out there.
They like wiggle room. "rules of thumb" vague descriptors that allow them to apply or not apply as they see fit.
He starts talking about "releasing in scope" and he's already lost me. I don't give a fuck if his partially darkness release supposedly exists. When will anon learn that light MEANS LIGHT. Deus vult fiat justitia ruat cรฆlum. Because what he's doing by saying "I'll trickle feed you with what I want you to know" already, assuming he ever drops any info.
When the switchover occurs, expect shitty mr pig and doge memes to flood and further push to forefront. Desperation smells.