>Le Sigh
They just...
They need to be printed out and mailed passed out nationwide.
>no purrticipayshun
Bruh I gotta do my home.
It won't make itself better by itself alongside finance xD
Honestly feel I did all I need to and just when I think about coming back someone no shit pulls out some samefag memes and fires it back up.
and Truth has a lot of fire floating around it just doesnt really pop up on the streams yet.
I try to tell myself let's give it time but eh
also heard
>When the iron's hot...
Getuhm Tigers.
Why not just bring the kids home and do virtual education.
No need to take anyone's freedoms away now...
there are ways around this..
Let's be rational.
It's not going to take guns from the hands of criminals.
but not Trump hunh?
Noone asks how the Trump man feels?
Why would he pass up an easy life for this shitstorm?
>Virtual Education
''The Pitch''
>wen Re-Based?
wen can. Probably Saturday? maybe schedule for Trumpbro?
or ?
Did not bake those just a heads up fam. just ask for bin. or check hashes or something.
>Corporate E-Bake
You guys don't know how long I just sat here and read everyfucking thing.
I'll try to do more than just watch TrumpBro and bake but if I'm tired and shit bros... I'll just shitpost