Anonymous ID: 73e65e June 17, 2022, 9:52 p.m. No.19201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204


I think every genuine anon feels that way.

it takes time and close exposure to develop trust.

I trust 8bit, FJ, OSS, and a couple of bakers.

I think /hm/ is generally comfy though and all are welcome here.

Anonymous ID: 73e65e June 23, 2022, 8:21 a.m. No.20404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0430


Loser" here, confirming that is the betrayer of Q and anons known as babyfist.

Maybe since you are visiting you can tell us if Sgt B is one of your Cicada 3301 of Ghost Sec friends? Which one? Why'd you help them do it? Why would your former employer still be your buddy after you comp the integrity and reputation of his site as well as ensuring that Q would never return? Why did he meet w Thomas right before the B post? Did you set that up since you're such good buddies with them both? Are you a celebrated member of fauxCicada team now that you helped wreck Q? Did they give you a promotion? What's the new LARP-of-the-month? Did Sgt B make you listen to Thomas's mindfuck music so that you would give him the keys to 8kun and dcomms? Or was it cash? Seriously. Whatcha got to lose by coming clean about it now. I bet you want to brag. You were an essential team member.