I cannot believe you guys are trying this same worn out playbook again.
I dont work with Steinbart or Watkins.
Watkins is a fren.
Steinbart I only met after OSS decided I worked with Ingersol Lockwood, when a Stienlarp associate reached out.
Baron of Arizona is not Austin nor Sgt B.
Keep crafting your narratives they are almost for fun than the reality.
I will address your issues as I can.
>Weird how they are all connected to Jim
Jim is a great patriot and provides a decent platform for free speech.
We support similar things and have similar frens.
>Weird how so many posts on the site have the same flavor of shit that BabyFist, Doge post
That is your opinion. Maybe I have Influenced many...
>Weird how there is a big ass header that says "B is for Baron"
>Weird how Jim told us it was Babyfist that made the B post Qs board
He said it came from an IP associated with me. I told you and all Sgt B made the post.
>Weird how Jim now tries to act like it was someone else
Jim and I spoke and Sgt B is not me but someone else.
>Weird how Jim did a podcast with these people 3 days before the B post was made
I was not on that podcast. Only TS, James, Jim, Janon.
>Weird how in META 3 days ago when questioned on who he was Jim said "Kappy of course" referring to Isaac Kappy who was murdered in AZ
>Weird how they all live in Arizona
I live in CO.
>Weird how Jim would hang out with them in a hotel room after the breach
We were at the same event.
>Weird how Doge, Babyfist and Sgt. B were all caught sharing IP addresses
I dont share with Doge.
Sgt. B and I shared IPs as well as other materials.
>Weird how all of them appeared at the same time Ingersol Larpwood operation on Q research happened
I have been here longer than all of you...
Stop crafting narratives.
>Weird how it all coincided with Fake Q posts popping up on Q research that are still being pushed today
I have nothing to do with the Q posts.
>Weird how the lady that had her kids taken away associated with "QANON" was named Cynthia ABCUG
Very odd indeed.
Try telling the police or someone that and they not think you are a loony tune.
>Weird how if you change G to numbers you get 7 or ABCU7
>Weird how Babyfist was the board owner of the board /ABCU8/
Not really that have been known for many years now...
I dont work with Austin or Jim.
I told you all very clearly in the past who and what we are.
I will not be playing round 2 because some lack comprehension and understanding skills.
Enjoy some music.
>now I'm certain I predate you.
As stated I doubt it. But it doesn't really matter how long your epeen is.
>Maybe since you are visiting you can tell us if Sgt B is one of your Cicada 3301 of Ghost Sec friends?
He is not.
>Which one?
Neither of those groups. You can call Us "The Laughing Men" if you would like. Or any other gay name you prefer.
>Why'd you help them do it?
I was told after the fact. I did not help.
>Why would your former employer still be your buddy after you comp the integrity and reputation of his site as well as ensuring that Q would never return?
I was not employed by Jim. I did not get paid by Jim or 8kun. Only a Volunteer.
>Why did he meet w Thomas right before the B post?
James Q patriot and Janon set that up.
He is live on tora right now go ask him
>Did you set that up since you're such good buddies with them both?
No see above.
>Are you a celebrated member of fauxCicada team now that you helped wreck Q?
LOL. I just make some puzzles.
>Did they give you a promotion?
Nope. As they are separate groups.
>What's the new LARP-of-the-month?
I think its "ATTACK SGT B and company to distract anons"
>Did Sgt B make you listen to Thomas's mindfuck music so that you would give him the keys to 8kun and dcomms?
No I showed him his music years ago.
>Or was it cash?
I wish. Could go for extra money. Its a hot summer really wanna install Central Air rather than wall units.
>Seriously. Whatcha got to lose by coming clean about it now. I bet you want to brag. You were an essential team member.
I came clean. As soon as I knew what happened.
And Flattery will not help!