Nigga Elon Live.
>>2931 Well… at least we aren't peddlingQ Decodes for cash
Ever became curious if all the decoders were innocent anons curious to the gig…
or Nefarious actors?
Jim is far more modest than those streamers.
1m, 13ms
A lot of people would do a lot of things for that kind of money.
Much more than barely making ends meet on 47 K.
See Jim. We're on the same side.
Just moar proof.
>- They accused OSS of baking two breads they deleted where that wasn't what happened at all (I was in those breads, he had at most like six or seven posts there).
My apologies anon, you got framed on that one there.
They cannot take reasoned debate and instantly go for personal attacks
They fuck with the dough
They delete posts from past breads that aren't "comfortable" for them
They REEE whenever any mention of the jewish agenda is posted
When IPs start falling, they pull out the spammers (66 gorillion at least) to quickly bump up their numbers
All of the above has been documented and is archived. They aren't here to fight a "common enemy". They are the enemy.
Everything else you have mentioned has been proven over the course of 2018-2020 and then Last year after they got excited as fuck after it stopped… but kept going.
and then on nearly the Annu. of the Pillowfight… Once again faggotry ensues.
No I was an op from the start if it wasn't a handoff.
Event Horizon Growing.