The issue isn't that upon founding this nation, at the time, (1776), illuminism was all the rage among intellectuals and philosophers. Thus Saturnian arguments toward Order and Justice and the like is to be expected when earnestly struggling for. The problem is that such movements have been corrupted and doubletalk and inversion philosophy, such that over time, who really thinks for example George Bush was talking about a new great order of the ages working toward justice? Hell no, he was talking about his ambitions, he did after all kill to get there, and puppetmaster presidents thereafter.
There's what one SAYS and what one DOES, they can match completely, or be completely at odds, and anywhere inbetween.
That being said, for some reason the phrase is said (by whom? dunno) to reference Eclogues of Virgil (who talked of Rome) in particular these lines.
Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
Now is come the final era of the Sibyl's song;
(Sibyl are Greek oracles)
Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo.
The great order of the ages is born afresh.
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,
now justice returns, honored rules return (or return of Saturn's reign);
Note how they are treated as interchangeable. Jordan Maxwell is onto something, but he uses a phonetic neoplatonism to get there.
iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.
Divinely inspired.
So if that IS a source from which Charles Thomson drew from, then it obviously does have clear Masonic undertones, but then Masonry also grasps further than its reach officially allows for (expect me to believe lodges were all clandestine going way back to Solomon's Temple? No, it was riding the wave of Age of Enlightenment and poetic in its philosophia, like so many written works around the same time were in their supposed years of formation vs their actual publish date.)
You see the same BS when you enter a civilization phase of simulacrum in simula. Just endless amounts of bullshit claiming to have been written during the last phase, for example. Dawning of the Age of Aquarian morality? "Stay loosey goosey with morals! It's all relative man! Bad is good and good is bad!" See?
So, there are good earnest symbolism users, and there are snakes, duplicitous and foul. Wheat and chaff.