You’re standing on the surface of the Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?
You’re standing on the surface of the Earth. = 25+18+429+5+61+1 = 539 Alwaleed No Money & Talking
You walk one mile south, = 25+247= 272 Evidence of DC Swamp Draining
539+272=811 Black Hats Should be Scared
one mile west and one mile north. = 395+1=396 POTUS Papers Stringer
811+396=1207 Maggie "Wendy" Nixon
You end up exactly where you started. = 25+390+1=416 Soros Takes Orders from P Game over.
1207+416=1623 Netflix Trying to Normalize Pedophilia; Susan Rice (Obama Lackey) Joined Netflix BoD
Where are you? = 23+149+63 = 235 Shanghai Photo, Obama Visit & NK Missile Launch
1623+235=1858 We are the Majority by Far and Growing
You would be in Shanghai
filenname IMG_1139.PNG = 29+95+15+37 = 176 Keywords in Stringer
I had previously used _ as "underline" = 342 So ASCII values seem to fit So My sum was 423 Test 3.
so never assume anything :)
What was posted prior to the stringer?
What keywords were within the stringer?
Why would keywords be left in the stringer?
Future shows past.
Learn to read the map.
Everything has meaning - EVERYTHING.