>Just last night they, while Jim was present, were accusing everyone on this board of posting CP/Gore/Loli, and claimed all of us are pedophiles.
I know. I read the notes.
>and the only weapons we have are exposure of the people that stole Q research.
I disagree with this sentiment. I mean is that truly the main reason for Hivemind? At this point we might as well rename this place to QRisCOMPD.
>If you are ok with Jim Watkins hanging out with the GV that comp'd Q's board for his and Jim's own financial gain, this may not be the board for you anyway.
I'm gonna be honest with this. I can completely understand where you're coming from but I genuinely feel indifferent about this.
Here's my perspective on how I see things:
I've been with you guys from the very beginning when this whole thing started out at 4c. Been through all the digs, been through all the attacks, all the shills, all the gore, all the threats, all the bread wars, all of it. Through and through. There were even countless number of times where I was up for over 30+ hours just to assist on taking notes, and keeping a look out and preventing shill attacks and fighting all those bread wars.
Through out all that time, I've never gotten myself involved with /comms/ and management issues. The closest thing that I came to to interact with all these people was when we were in the midst of a bread war. It wasn't until the whole pillowfag event that I decided to join discord just to keep up with whats going on. And honestly, till this day I can't thank you guys enough for keeping things afloat in the midst of all that. I really truly mean that.
The reason I'm stating the above is because I want you guys to know that I'm fully aware of what it takes to maintain this ship. I don't namefag myself, (Btw I've got nothing against namefags). but I am very well aware of the work that goes into this.
None of us are getting paid for this shit. All of us decided at the very beginning of all of this, whether consciously or unconsciously, to see this whole thing all the way through, no matter what the circumstances may be. At least thats how I see things.
Once again, I'm only offering my very own perspective.
I'm not trying to dictate how you or anybody here should feel or think about all of this.
We've each got our very own view on how we see these things. I'm just offering my own.
I've only ever done this to get the truth out.That's all that matters to me at this point. I'm not concerned about financial gains from this even though I'm broke as fuck. Even my own personal health/ well being has taken quite a hit.
I'm not trying to sound like some moralistic faggot by stating all of the above, but I've gone through enough bullshit to get to this point.
I'm the furthest thing away from being perfect. True story.
What has happened to QR sucks. Period.
What Jim did sucks. Period.
I haven't gotten the slightest idea of whats gonna end up happening to QR at this point. But we've got Hivemind now. My suggestion is simply this:
Continue on with the digs and the memes here instead of weaponising this place to get back at QR.
>Its only a suggestion. Nothing more, nothing less.
Reason for me stating all of the above is because it's completely unnecessary for other Anon's be it here or on QR to get caught in the crossfire.
>inb4 this is a digital battlefield.
No kidding I'm just suggesting that we fight this smarter.
I hold no grudges against anyone here. Not even in QR.
>Yes the BO/BV there are compd faggots and all that shit
Unfortunately there's no lifeguard in the DNA pool. That's all I'm gonna say bout these retards.
If you guys still feel that you want to continue on with the hits, then by all means do it. I hold nothing against it.
All I'm doing is presenting my perspective on this situation.
In the end of the day NCSWIC.