If you can see what Jim has done and watch him casually hanging out with the pos that debased Q’s board and only come away with “I don’t agree with everything he did” then you have no sense of loyalty to this movement, to anons, or to Q. Then you are no different from the sheep who blindly follow MSM and are convinced their government loves them and has their best interests in mind. The ability to question authority is a requirement of being a critical thinking patriot. You have no loyalty, no righteous anger at what has been done, and no desire for justice. Either you’re a complete shill or you’re genuinely mentally and spiritually retarded. Q should have taught you discernment and the ability to recognize the enemy, even when he has infiltrated our ranks. This is psychological and information warfare. Go back to the qresearch chatboard with your shit-tier normalfag pirates of the caribbean memes and suck some more Watkins dick over there. You don’t belong here.