Thank you for your thoughts and sauce.
The dead cat bounce drop is always on my mind when I am studying this phenomena.
>It will all come back.
Still a tard mostly
but I understand the max pain idea (possibly another a Q hint)
I didn't think about the apes helping with liquidity.
so true.
Its actually a really beautiful thing to lurk comments when they aren't infighting
(huh, sounds familiar kek)
The dreams that all these regular people
have and what they would do to help
their families and communities with the
moass monies…
it makes me tear up thinking about the possibilities….
When I first got in the play last year…
I remember Trump doing what he does and 'randomly' saying some rambles during an interview….normies wouldn't notice… but I did… he was talking about a rocket ship…
right when the meme "to the moon" and rocket emoji was at its height … and then…
either in the same conversation or during another interview he said about the
stock market: that we would see numbers
in the 3rd Q like we have never ever
seen before. I thought that would be
last year…but with looking glass datefaggin
and the way this year is going… he may have meant 2022.
Time will tell.