><Remember HaramRob.
>You might start seeing that once gas is no longer a thing. Powering turbines to drive water with electric energy? Seems it would be easier to just go with a nuclear engine powered cargo ship skipping the green initiatives that require governmental incentives to even approach the economy of the state of competition
Can we start onto how many fake ass scams there are in the EV sector or is this a warm up for that Solar Company Obama had a debacle about?
>That one?
Idk dude Im kinda sketched out. I mean I KNOW POL is no better…why didn't POL migrate to 8kun?
"Sub Variants"
Almost like some sort of word association being made.
Connect with the idea of the mistreatment of "Un-Masked" and "Un-Vaxxed"
Although that can easily tie into other subjects of Conspiratorial Conjecture but I digress
and one has quite a volatile recipe before the upcoming Erections if they can somehow continue convincing people that
PAPER MASKS People, Call em out, carry a little flier in your bag or whatever.
That are unsuitable to adequately protect against Biological Contagions.
Which Presumably Muh COVID is… If not a car accident, or an unfortunate rip current drowning, or building fall. All COVID Related deaths.
Paper Masks. They Work. Protects the Vaccinated from the Un-Vaccinated… Oh God I have just self-Induced retardation upon myself.
Great it's time to return to the Borg with Jesus?
Because I'd like to try again and do it right this time… somehow. better.
Probably without all of the negative influence of the world would help.
But then so goes the justificiation (of itself presumably) for evil to exist so that Good would have a contrary to compare to but to that I argue…
Would it simply be… if something were to be not splendid… would it be just
Not AS "Good".. and not "Bad"? Therefore needn't bad a reason to exist apart from the realm of "Good"?
Womp Womp.
Brains bubbling.
>Not AS "Good".. and not "Bad"? Therefore needn't bad a reason to exist apart from the realm of "Good"?
<If at all.
I mean…
Some people are grimy doe… Look at your everyday local largest Big Box Co. in the center of town.
It's probably nasty as shit because people be stinky and nastee. Ew
Wash Yo Self
You know that's how some of those clowns used to do me. Tell me I'm smelly because I couldnt take a bath because my plumbing was jacked up. Well jokes on them we know they are A Glowies B Traitors. C Both or D All of the Above and More.
Probably nasty. Ew.
>>9685 She light skinned. BLM does not formally recognize her as a part of the Black Community.
However Scantily Clad White Women in Black clothes.
We will take them all. Thank you.
Asia is fucking clean but there are dirty too. as an outsider one has to consider the image being presented is taken under positive light and omits the gritty reality of the area.
By the way bros, do you want to watch someone fall to their death?
Me either but check this shit out.
Muh Trump is banned everywhere but idk…
I've seen this before and the idea of the reality is scarier than the footage.
and honestly for transparency perhaps it should be allowed. Indeed.
But Political bullshit should not be banned unless it is utterly lies like what is being pushed aside from what is being oppressed.