Strelok ID: 28f9bd Dec. 19, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.688285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8306

Sup /k/ommandos, whist riding on a train i thought of an interesting scenario i got from a gay will smith movie. In the movie he is sniping someone on a train from a hill and it occurred to me that your distance from a moving vehicle travelling horizontally across your vision determines your engagement envelope. In simple terms the closer you are to the vehicle you’re shooting, the less time you are able to shoot the people in it because the angle changes fast and the further you are from the vehicle the longer you can shoot them because the angle changes slowly.


Anyway, the question is, is there a distance from vehicle sweetspot where you can unload on it accurately as an infantryman? To be specific you have an AR15, whats the distance you should have from the vehicle to balance time of engagement and accurately hitting it?