Strelok ID: 445b7e July 25, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.685877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5903


You seem to be a complete newfag when it comes to w40k. Read, nigger, read!

1d4chan has this outadted and annoying pre-2010 4chan style with maymays, but it's still the best wiki, simply because it's not just a collection of in-universe flavour text. But you should read the actual rulebooks and codices if you want to jerk off to the fluff.

>Space marine small arms were designed against armored opponent

Do you have a single source to back that up? During the Great Crusade the legions usually had larger squad of 10-20 marines armed with only a single kind of weapon. The basic formation had bolters and was used against the enemy infantry. If they encountered enemy heavy infantry, then they sent in a special weapon squad that was armed only with plasma guns. During the Horus Heresy they developed some bolts that could penetrate power armour, but they were problematic and never became a general issue item. In nearly every iteration of the tabletop game bolters can only penetrate flak armour, meaning that even carapace armour can stop the bolts.

>things like other ultra marines

What in damnation!? Ultramarines are a single legion that was later turned into a single chapter. It's not a generic term for space marine.


Most orks only have a few slabs of metal, and that's actually less effective than what the basic guardsman wears in gameplay terms. Against the few orks who do wear heavy armour you need something more than a bolter, e.g. a plasma gun.


A .32 ACP is actually .3125, therefore we can conclude that it's much more devastating than 5.56 NATO. .45 ACP therefore must be death, destroyer of worlds. Or maybe we should remember that this is /k/ of all places, and a Strelok should have enough wits to figure out there that there is much more to it than calibre. We have to know the mass, velocity and construction of a projectile if we want to tell any kind of a story. And we have to keep in mind that w40k was written by a bunch of britbong nerds in the 1980s who barely knew anything about firearms, and just wrote whatever they thought was cool.


I'm not sure if you are leafposting or not, but you do point out that there is a great difference between anti-matter and anti-matériel.

Strelok ID: 445b7e July 25, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.685935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5973


I have to admit that my words weren't really aimed at you, I just really can't stand this idea of bigger is better. It's mostly because I had to spend some time IRL with people who were unable to understand the basics of ballistics, and thought that neckind down 7.62 NATO to 5.56 will result in some kind of a super cartridge, and necking it up to 10mm will give you something so destructive that it will be useful against buildings. I take I don't have to explain to you what PTSD-inducing experience that was.