Stop, you are only making it worse! Anti-material rifles are special purpose or support weapons that are not widely distributed. And as the name suggests, they first and foremost are used to destroy enemy equipment. Bolters are literally the most basic of all space marine small arms, and they were designed against infantry. Yes, today they could rip apart anything sort of a tank, but we aren't living in a big joke set in the far future.
>muh Soros
He is just one man from the international financial élite, not the whole system. He's not even the top dog.
>I'm talking about the very top, senior European military brass, their alpha dogs.
Why didn't muh alpha dawgs leading da muhreens dispose of the federal government of the USA already? Maybe becaus their whole lives are about serving this very same system that is controlled by the afromentioned financial élite?
As for how the system works, just look up fractional banking. The tl;dr is that most governments are not in charge of their own money, and therefore they can't control their own economy, only influence it. Meanwhile moneymen like Soros are free to destroy their economy, therefore national governments try not to piss them off. Of course it would be quite easy to get out of this system if a government just decided to take charge of their country's financial life. But you can't win in a democratic election with that program, because this whole clown world will come together to keep away nazis like you from power. Even if you end up in power, they won't stop this. Eventually the USA will sanction you to hell, and they will also constantly threaten you with military action. Now, most of those tawp brawss dawgs are not the kind of visionaries who'd want to build an autarchy with enough military power to repell an attack from the USA.
Igazán nincs mit. Remember, the world we are living in really is not that complicated, but all these simple things moving it are hidden, and it takes time and effort to find them.