>That's why 357 or 10mm beat 45 hands down.
The fact that it doesn't in terms of what we know based on actual usage against human beings is what is under discussion, so you can't make those assumptions, especially when real world data does not support your case.
>Again, that ignores all other factors involved.
Hence, phrases like "all else being equal."
>My suggestion - don't appeal to temporary things like the state of markets when discussing scientific things like ballistics.
Larger bullets will always cost more all else being equal.
>Compare the mag type, not size - a double stack 45 would hold 3-4 less rounds in a full grip, while a single stack is still thinner.
Large capacity .45 caliber are always large guns. If they approach the capacity of their 9mm equivalents, they are always a bit larger. That is a factor in concealment and reliable carry, and possibly one in terms of usability. I brought up the M&P as a good example of a model where the manufacturer did not build a significantly larger .45 version, and capacity is drastically different.
>>some rounds will cause hydrostatic shock below 2,200 FPS
>Therefore, proving once again this idiotic theory useless.
I'm not a physicist, so I avoid the term hydrostatic shock, but the argument is whether the velocity/energy is enough to cause permanent damage to tissue rather than allowing it to simply bounce back.
>Unless drum mags are involved reload speed would be more important and available ammo on you would be even more important still.
That's being unrealistic. First, life is not like the movies where you can simply jump behind a marble pillar on cue to swap out magazines in your HK P30L. Secondly, the average 1911 owner is probably not going to be carry three extra magazines around, whereas a lot of guys would carry at least one extra mag.
>See >>640405
Nothing there about it being a bad round, only that the BRNO right now is an overpriced boutique gun to pay for their development costs on a military project, and the ammo itself is expensive. My issue with it is that it is proprietary, but I brought it up as a real attempt to bridge the gap between handguns and rifles.
>be ashamed of yourself.
You're not knowledgeable enough to talk down to me. It's easier for me to simply respond than trade insults.