Propaganda: World Economic Forum Launches ‘Great Narrative’ Initiative
Klaus Schwab, mentored by Trilateral Commission member Henry Kissinger since 1970, has already dropped the Great Reset on the world. Now he has partnered with the United Arab Emirates to create the Great Narrative to craft a unified propaganda to sell it to the world.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is looking to establish a “great narrative” following the great reset agenda with the upcoming launch of the “Great Narrative” initiative.
In establishing a great narrative, the WEF is looking to assert an authoritative storyline to convince people why they need a great reset of society and the global economy.
“The Great Narrative initiative and Meeting in Dubai will be a powerful catalyst to shape the contours of a more prosperous and inclusive future for humanity that is also more respectful of nature” — Klaus Schwab, 2021
Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the Davos globalists are exploiting the pandemic once again — this time to legitimize their agenda of a great reset of society and the global economy by calling for a “great narrative” that can “help guide the creation a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future.”
Authoritarians use great narratives to legitimize their own power.
Make it stop.