enjoying the show?
if WE win Elections, WE have to win them big imo to overcome dem leaders cheating; example: Yyoungkin
what are the odds Elections were cheated NJ?
idk, jus asking
if the race is close, easier to cheat imo
if the win is large, cheaters become obvious and should be arrested imo
why let them steal important votes
if RINOs are cheating, arrest them also
who is against cleaning Voter rolls?
a sign when politicians don't want to clean Voter rolls?
how to trust elections when they block windows like 2020?
when this is over and the crumbs are undeniable i hope they arrest traitors in middle of their speeches kek
the evidence should go live on Socials at that exact moment kek
imagine Justice for ALL, i PRAY for it
close borders, remove swamp, fire fauci, save America
who has the Power?
some old folks gone crazy?
or the People United?
choice is yours, it has been yours all along duh kek
do you want better results or worst results?
for better results, what must happen?
work together peacefully, work together peacefully; twice for you know who, those jack asses [fake news like acosta projecting on everyone but dem leader hypocrites]
thank you Anons