DOJ Inspector General Michael Horrowitz: DOJ Must Confront Political Weaponization Of Dept
He’s spot on, but will anything be done about it?
The DOJ Inspector General’s latest report has uncovered some serious problems with The DOJ—including the weaponization of the department for political purposes.
Conservatives and libertarians have known all too well that The Department of Justice, and all other alphabet agencies like The IRS, FBI, DOE, ATF, CIA, and even The EPA have all been weaponized against us.
We have literally known this for years, but it’s nice to see Michael Horrowitz take note.
I am not saying that Horrowitz is in collusion with these people, but this type of D.C. dog and pony show, with cheap lip service, and at most a slap on the wrist has never changed things.
These D.C. people eat together, they sleep together, they place Wall Street bets together. How can we seriously expect them to really hold one another accountable?
What we need is a complete dismantling of all these agencies because they aren’t here to serve you and me, they aren’t here to make America great again. They are here to make their bank accounts fatter, and to accrue more power.
That’s it. That is their sole function, and the sole function of the parasites who inhabit those dark and damp nooks and crannies of our democracy.
End the deep state now, drain the swamp, and take a look at these reports:
HOROWITZ (((Grammar Kitty)))
It's even on his name plaque