pretty spoopy
like we dodged a bullet; thank God for Trump Voters
weird how Trump encourages the vaccine but seems like the vaccine is not so great based on reports coming, which fake news and fake leaders ignore
traitor companies imo
if they weren't traitor companies, they would tell US about Ivermectin/HCQ/zinc/C/D/iodine/omega3/NOT calcium supplements due to kidney stones/selenium vs aids/magnesium/etc
ask Diamond/Silk/DrArdis
does information help ppl?
what does information help ppl do?
which information helps the most?
information war; counter w information 2 ALL
fake news won't do it; fake leaders won't do it
who must do it?
thank you Anons
asking others to join is less work on (You) and faster results
win win; ds stares on jealously
polls turning like undeniable tides that drown liars and their fake news (figuratively; have to say it or acosta will run with it and fact checkers will pounce)
Know Truth, no violence; Know Truth, no violence
once you get the State Crew Night Shift together, then you can impeach rather than wait for next Vote
it shouldn't be a slow or hard or censored process to impeach recall swamp creatures
if it is in your area thas a sign of corruption imo
signs lead the way to level 9 bosses who need to gtfo
[they] are spoopy but will flee a large crowd of Patriots protesting LOUDLY and logically
imo imo; thank God for 1A and 2A and..
(random memes)