'Ghislaine Maxwell Documented https://archive.md/eELKV ' - anonymous
Donald J Trump (PRO)
Donald J Trump
Not even believable how bad the morning television ratings are for Psycho Joe Scarborough and his lovely wife, Mika. MSDNC is doing badly, but “Morning Joe” is in particular peril! How much longer can a show like that survive—are the advertisers not watching? The only good news is that CNN, believe it or not, is doing even worse!
the longer we keep mitch, the moar times he will betray us imo
remove him now for best results imo
Donald J Trump
Mitch McConnell is giving the Democrats victory on everything. What is wrong with this Broken Old Crow? He’s hurting the Republican Senators and the Republican Party. When will they vote him out of Leadership? He didn’t have the guts to play the Debt Ceiling card, which would have given the Republicans a complete victory on virtually everything. The Dems were ready to fold! Watch, they will use the Debt Ceiling against us at their first opportunity, and they won’t fold. It will not be pretty. GET RID OF MITCH!
Wendy Rogers
The prime minister of New Zealand is a satanic witch who pays the satanic communist media millions of dollars to lie to the people. She approves of the sacrifice and killing of babies as the corporate overlords sell their body parts for money. EVIL!
Nov 16
@JLF538 (I follow back) 💉 🚫
~ We are currently witnessing the greatest human experiment ever performed upon mankind…