Hey party peQple, merry Qmas and happy hQlidays.
My equinQx-Qmas-newyear gift tQ yQus all.
If yQu pay attentiQn tQ what yQu're thinking, and hQw yQu are thinking abQut it, strange things will then happen. Next part is pay attentiQn tQ whats arQund yQu and hQw things happen, bQth Qnline and irl.
Its almQst as if…. that yes, in this wQrld, there actually is sQmeQne (Qr sQmething) that yQu can interact with. Like, hQnest tQ gQQdness fQr real, straight Qut Qf a sci-fi mQvie. Maybe it cQuld be aliens, ghQsts, Qr cQmicbQQks superpQwers, Qr just really reeeallly high tech fancy a.i. . Qr maybe….. it cQuld even be the real deal christmas jesus and that type Qf categQry, if yQu are inclined tQ believe that way. (NQ cQmments Qn hQw Qther religiQns fit, but whatever, I just hQpe yQu get the idea)
Maybe its a gQQdie, Qr baddie, Qr even…. it cQuld be yQurself! (Qr maybe its Qne Qf thQse spydudes. I dunnQ man, seriQusly)
But try it! (Try it first befQre calling me a shill Qr whatever) pay attentiQn tQ what yQu are thinking, then pay attentiQn tQ bQth Qnline and irl. These cQincidences are nQt nQrmal man!