Anonymous ID: c5a834 Feb. 12, 2022, 9:24 p.m. No.119315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551


>Fucking tired of this shit man.

That's the standard tactic, wear down and wear out.


"member that thing repeated on General?


"The devil saw me on my knees and began to laugh. Then I said 'Amen" and stood back up"

Some versions included gripping a sword


If not US, who? if not NOW, when?

We know this fight and years into it visible results are coming forth. Look, you see it too.




Kicking ass and taking names as well, with open source I might add.


Demoralization shill wants everybody down, to give up. We don't do this for ourselves. We do this so the World may live free, and future generations of kids will live free and not one have to worry about a trafficker because anons ended that.


Baking Rule #1: Get Anons bread

Baking Rule #2: Try to get the notables and all sorted and in a form that can be found for use later.

Baking Rule #3: Do not stress mistakes too much, shit happens

Baking Rule #4: In regards to #3, refer to #1. Mistakes can be fixed, anons understand, shills are the ones complaining.


An Army of frogs to destroy them…